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Sat 24th Aug 2019 03:41

Pahhu: The Prismatic Plaza

by The Continuum Chaser Pahhu Kilaniu

Pahhu follows Quinton as he goes to work on the teleportation circle for Lerwick one day. She watches him as he adeptly carves the runes into plain stone, but quickly begins to lose interest. She was dragged along to get her strength back, and so Quinton could keep an eye on her.
Pahhu pulls out her assorted chalk collection and begins to draw her own designs on some loose stone nearby. She hums to herself as she works, mixing colors and making a general mess of things until she happens to run a few colors together and produces a specific combination which sparks a sad memory for her. A few tears splash on the chalk and the colors run together, which only further mix them and produce a rainbow sheen. She thinks back to her recent vision of Thyse in the dark place.
Pahhu began to work alongside the builders of the circle, often seeing Dave leading the design, as well as members of Mulmaster Yard as they began to construct a fortress around the circle. She helps mold the stone into roughly seven portions, to match Dave’s circle design, each to hold an individual rune. For each portion she works in different gem dust into the rune,creating a solid shimmering piece of work while also speckling the stone with the dust, the tiny motes of gem catching and reflecting light for each portion. At first she is a nuisance in the work, but after a few corrections and guidance from Dave she soon provides capable assistance.
The first rune in red ruby, as Pahhu filled the rune left by Quinton, as red as the cords of Ilmater around his wrists, the first seventh glimmers with a potent vitality.
The second rune in orange citrine, the brilliant gems catching the sun in as the second seventh as Pahhu pours her enthusiasm into the portion.
The third rune in yellow tourmaline, the air suffused in a sparkling joy as the sunlight dances in the third seventh, as Pahhu fills the portion with the sense of joy.
The fourth rune in green emerald, the soothing calm of nature and growth pulsing in the fourth seventh as Pahhu fills it with the potential of life.
The fifth rune in sky blue aquamarine, the endless sky above shimmering in every sparkle underfoot as Pahhu fills the fifth seventh with the endless curiosity of the sky.
The sixth rune in deep indigo sapphire, the calming depth of the oceans, as Pahhu infuses the sixth seventh with a sense of wonder and wisdom.
The seventh rune in violet opal, the iridescence of the night sky, as Pahhu invokes the memory of the lost in the final seventh, those gone to the sky to join the stars.
Quinton realizes Pahhu’s plans after checking in on her a few times, and involves other members of Hyssop Home to contribute to the project. He begins to draft plans to assist with the construction of the defenses of the circle. He works with Mulmaster yard to plan seven towers, one for each of the runes to rise above Lerwick. Rajit also joins in on the project, and after quite some experimentation she begins work on colored crystal glass panes to form domes atop the towers and a prismatic dome over the teleportation circle, scattering the full spectrum of light across the gem dusted stone below.
A single bronze plaque is embedded near the entrance to the plaza, a memorial to the travelers who cross paths in Lerwick.
The Prismatic Plaza
Established 1493
May this circle welcome newcomers and homecomers alike to Lerwick, and may this plaza stand in memory of those that do not return to us.
Quinton, Pahhu and Rajit approach the plaque at the very end and lay a single flowering stalk of hyssop on the plaque. Rajit is the first to speak. “I’m so sorry Thyse. There’s nothing I can say now that would make up for what I did.” Pahhu follows after. “I hope you like it Thyse, I thought about you when the idea was only chalk…” Quinton approaches at the end and pats his adopted daughters, before placing his stalk on the plaque. “Merric, you had barely begun to walk before you were gone from us. We shall not forget you.”
This Teleportation Circle is keyed to carriers of the Hawthorne Guild badge. When utilized for transport an arcing rainbow will extend from the center of the plaza in the direction of travel, where it will linger while decreasing in intensity for one hour after which it vanishes.