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Mon 23rd Sep 2024 07:14

Session 4 Recap (mega session)

by Deianira Arìmitore-Pascual

  • Arrived at the Behar dig and long rested before entering the site

  • Found a hidden door to an office that appeared to belong to a dead alchemist. His spirit was still lingering there. We got a vial of acid which supposedly is for the second floor situation

  • Went down a nearby hallway and found a fleshy wall with two mind flayers in stasis pods (also learned what mind flayers are)

  • Found a super secret door in the mind flayer room that led to a mysterious portal surrounded by more fleshy stuff and crystals. Went through the portal and appeared in the lair of a beholder. Immediately realized that witohut magic we could NOT beat it, so Thalia and Roland immediately left. Unfortunately the beholder went before Deianira in initiative and ALMOST killed her with a death ray REALLY CLOSE CALL but whatever all good she dodged and left

  • Went down a hallway to the right where we found some old torture rooms with notches in the floor collecting the blood from prisoners into a blood moat

  • Went into a nearby room and saw skeletons stirring a big vat of blood. Fought the skeletons and two blood elemental type monsters that appeared. Roland's ammo got wet very unfortunately

  • Poured a fentanyl potion into the blood vat so all the blood was laced with fent

  • Went back to the main entrance room where one of the mind flayers had woken up and was attacking us (along with a weirdly very frightening spectator). Fought it, went pretty well, found out Roland can walk on walls/ceilings

  • Went back up through the blood vat room into a hallway full of freaky vampire sex paintings, then found a chest (trapped) with a magic rope (Rope of Freak), command word is "fuck you" but we do not know how to deactivate it

  • Ran through the weird psychic mist room into a big lounge with iron maidens, poured fent blood into a pedestal, it opened a big iron maiden and a vampire wizard guy (the alchemist from earlier?) fell out, drank the fent blood, and passed out

  • Stole that guy's magic items and tied him up with the freak rope

  • Finally ventured into the central room with the stairs leading down, woke up a vampire guard and fought it and a few imps, tragic fight, Roland's gun kept breaking and Deianira got downed, Thalia lowkey soloed but also forgot she had daylight the whole time

  • (this part happened in my head) Deianira was passed out dying and saw her dead dad and talked to him about how this mission was making her feel like a real adventurer like him but she didn't know if she was strong enough, he gave her a little pep talk or something


  • Thalia tried to kill the vampire wizard guy who was still passed out but Deianira wouldn't let her, they argued a little (note from me: interesting that you would argue that a person who was turned into a different and stereotypically evil race against their will is inherently evil and a threat HMM)

  • Sat down to short rest after that terrible fight, decided to stay up in the first floor for the rest of the day/night to rest before venturing further into the dungeon
  • Continue reading...

    1. Session 2-3 Recap
    2. Session 4 Recap (mega session)