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5th of Uktar, 1492 DR

The Gathering (06/03/2020)

by Flux

A motley group of oddities assembled in the Green Tankard Tavern in Loudwater. A disowned nobleman by the name of Acwellen sat alone, having come into town as a Caravan Guard protecting one of the many merchants making their way into the town to prepare for the Festival in a tenday's time. Enjoying the masterpiece of musical talent being showcased in the tavern that day, Acwellen was approached by a curious and slightly hyper Aarokocra who asked for his assistance with investigating a possible problem within the nearby High Forest. The large humanoid bird spoke of how the animals in the forest appeared to be fleeing from the woods and that his tribe, native to and living within the forest, were highly concerned by this. As they discussed this, they were both momentarily distracted by the dramatic end to the musical entertainment, as the most handsome and talented bard to have ever lived finished his set. After collecting some wine to celebrate yet another wonderful performance and gaining a companion in the form of the hulking mass of metal known as Sp-EnCER, the taverns Warforged waiter/bouncer; the maestro Flux made his way to their table. Greeting Acwellen as an old friend, the two having met some months ago in their travels around the area, Flux introduced himself to his new bird friend Asha and became enamoured with her request for help. With Sp-EnCER also showing a willingness to give any help he could, the group started to talk business until they were rudely interrupted by Sendriale, Flux's groupie who's bubbly nature and highly attractive physical form gains him no end of trouble. After surviving several of Sendriale's chaotic hijincks, the group established that they would make their way into the forest the day after. Acwellen, Asha and Sp-EnCER left the tavern to see what supplies and such they could acquire from the towns stores while Sendriale whittled her afternoon away frolicking with a young Guardsmen of the Town. Flux of course blessed the tavern once more with his elegant musical talents, entertaining the masses and brightening their day substantially.
After a while however, the group was made aware of large amounts of animals fleeing the forest en masse. Smoke was also seen billowing from above the tree's as the Guardsmen begged for Adventurers to come to their aid! The group gathered and bravely volunteered to investigate this awful occurence, putting their lives on the line quite selflessly. As they traveled the perilous depths of the forest, they came across Sentient Plantlife. Using their diplomatic skill, our kind heroes persuaded these creatures to let them pass so they could find what was ailing this beautiful landscape. But now, our heroes face more danger with every step they take towards this roaring blaze...

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  1. The Gathering (06/03/2020)
    5th of Uktar, 1492 DR
  2. The Burning Invasion (13/03/2020)