Session 1 by Kythos | World Anvil

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Sat 22nd Jul 2023 11:03

Session 1

by Kythos

Agathe paid Kythos for the work he did in protecting the caravan. She suggested they meet up again in Akros, she is staying near the market - "Mallora's place" in the Colliphon.
The Flea Market resides in the lower area of Akros outside the main Red Walls.
A shop run by Leonins selling exotic goods, spices and food. Two Leonins; one white furred and one black furred.
Tollé was seen chatting to the white Leonin in a hushed conversation.
Jet black Leonin, with three claw scars on her face, was the teller in the store - she had poor social skills.
Offered Kumis, an alcoholic milk like drink, and Sargonis, a antelope meat glazed in honey.
A caravan shop run by two centaurs named "Ormasos" and "Meloe"
Their store wasn't seeing much attention due to the discrimination against Centaurs
Had various knickknacks for sale
Also available was a carved wooden horse for a Iroas symbol that cost 500gp
Revealed that Meloe had weak legs and couldn't stand properly on her own
They wanted Kythos to "give regards to the farmers" due to the Kystanos river being dammed and the farms struggling
Types of people in Akros; Lectoy, the military citizens and Serfs, who are slave adjacent
Visited Prokopios' Hut, a small round potion hut with a stout door
Prokopios being as short, overweight, balding man with a moustache - has a yellow cornsnake named "Alina"
Wants us to bring him any works of Phrika
Rumours of a super weapon being tested in the Mountains nearby
Paristhenes and Teraklos are brothers that are also champions of Iroas in Akros
A thief in a dark robe robbed an older couple
Kythos chased her down and caught her, retrieving the stolen goods
When the crowd started to turn against the female satyr, Kythos carried her to the authorities himself (The Oromai)
The robbed couple were Alkmenos and Brigone, who were serfs travelling into the city from their farm
They are big fans of Iroas and the champions of his
They have a son, Corrino, who is greatly ill. Kythos wanted to see if he couple help
A rumoured "Legendary Pool of Lys" may be present in the riverbed now that the river is dammed
Kythos set off to the farm to see Corrino
En route found a shrine of a woman holding corn - an alseed, spirit of the grasslands
Providing it with a gift of crops provided Kythos with a Charm of Vitality
Reaching "Corrino's Joy", Kythos found the "cursed" child
He believed he was sick from drinking the river water
When a Lay of Hands was performed, Kythos felt something push back against the divine powers
Prokopios has been making remedies for him which don't appear to be working
Heading back to Akros, Kythos stayed the night at "The Conglom" an inn in the Flea Market
A female minotaur with braids working the bar

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  1. Session 1
  2. Session 2