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Thu 31st Dec 2020 10:20

The Beginning

by Ajax (emphasized exhalation)

I enter the Sour Vintage. Can see a woman with beautiful dark curls with a satchel in front of her at the table and a man in poorly maintained armor.
A dazzlingly beautiful Aurae walks up to the bar and orders a strawberry wine. The Aurae is called Astraya and has a wonderful, kind and curious demeanour. We discuss our homelands, she has grown up in
A second traveller walks in, she is wearing camoflauged armor. She looks very pointy with several tattoos. She ordered the eel. She appears to be very unhappy. She appears to be as sour as the grapes the tavern is named for . Not in a very good mood, though not acting out either.
Astraya compliments the second traveller. It appears to be neutrally recieved.
The farmer explains a rumor of scared herbs being used to get high in the mountains. The second traveller comes to Astraya's defense.
The second traveller notices my interest in the Oracle, Astraya is very kind.
Upon my mention of Kyra the Poet I see the lady with dark curls react and make my way over to her. Astraya and the second traveller also follow.
Kyra introduces the three of us to Telemon. Teleon has been guarding Kyra. Kyra explains that they are a friend of the Oracle.
"Kill the Boar to prove your might and we shall move onto the oracle after that."
We adjourn and I go to the fire to meditate.
After meditating, while coming into focus I overhear the second traveller say that I am likely not useless. I discover that the second traveller is called Heleyna.
We discuss the information Heleyna has discovered from the other hunters in regards to the wild boar and I discover that Astraya follows the fates.
Kyra tells us a story while we are sipping on herbal tea. The story she tells us is the The Birth of the Titans.
'How will we recognise the most dangerous people in Thylea'
The gods and the titans can look however they wish. They generally have a sense of superiority, but besides those who smile with no warmth in their eyes.
Astraya leaves for the outside and Heleyna goes to bed. I too retire.
It is an hour before dawn Taneias and Javon, the hunters stand with Kyra and Telemon outside the pub. The weather is cold and humid, there is heavy dew on the ground.
We travel northward and see the recent ruins of farms and homestead. We quickly pick up on the tracks of the boar. Heleyna picks up on it first but I quickly am also able to follow the tracks.
Heleyna used her skills, what looked like arcane magic with her hands and uses it to determine the boar is about as big as a horse.
There is a strong smell of swine in the air but the smell has become very obvious recently. I then pick up on a very agitated snuffling sound which Heleyna points out is coming from the west .
Heleyna warns us and we form an archers wall at the oncoming monstrosity. It might have eight legs.
We brace ourselves as the swine rockets towards us. Astraya gently side steps it. Heleyna loses an arrow into the boar. Tenemon guards our line and I pierce his side. As it bleeds out to death on the ground.
Astraya shoots at the boar and but the boar also manages to attack and Astraya has been wounded.
Heleyna quickly switches to their Chackrams in order to defend Astraya but merely creates a surface wound. Telemon makes swift work of the second boar.
Astraya sweetly closes the eyes of the boar, Heleyna makes sure that the meat is taken of the two animals, with the help of the hunters.
Javon is unconvinced that we will be able to carry all the meat but Astraya recommended leaving some.
Heleyna does not do well with the butcher but I take some meat with me to make into Jerkey. While Helyna is butchering, I searched for herbs with Taneias.
Astraya can see her mountain to the west. We are in the foothill of the mountains. Her mountain is called Peregia. We can hear the gently cawing of birds as the sun goes down. Heleyna points out a row of trees an hypothesises that the boar has headed that way.
As we move closer there are further signs of destruction, roughly hewn trees.
We come to cave and we hear the grunts, presumably of the boar. Myself and Astraya carefully advance with Heleyna is covering for us. At the very edge of my darkvision I can see the beast, pacing.
After some time I motion to Astraya to stay where she is and head back to Heleyna. We each make a snare, it looks excellent and we carefully make our way back to the mouth of the cave. Setting our snares. Heleyna works with the hunters to try find a way to reach the top of the mouth of the cave, in order to give us a decisive advantage. The hunter on my side manages to scamper up but the one closer to Astraya starts to fall. Atraya and Heleyna makes nimble work of catching him as he falls. I hear the three of them murmuring in the distance. I imagine it must be in regards to tactics because I see Astraya scramble up the cliff face soon after.
Heleyna asks me where I will be and I take my position by the edge of the woods, focusing my minds eye and tightening my bow.
Heleyna lets out a barbaric yawhp and a noise yet more gutteral and wild comes from inside. Heleyna quickly starts out of the cave using her wings to give her extra thrust. Sh e makes good distance and then I see the golden boar. Savage and horrific, teeth hooked and snarled. Peppering its back is the attempts of many a fallen man to defeat them. Arrows and spears scarring its back.
I am the first to attack. Loosing my arrow as soon as I see it. Astraya creates some bolt of crackling energy which wrap around the boar. Heleyna throws her chakrams, hitting it's neck and tusk. The blades are loyal to her and they return to her once they've made their mark.
The boar gives an outraged bellow as the snare tangles around his leg. A wave of energy passes through me, though it quickly passes. Is this something the beast is doing?
I fire another arrow at I see it lands, an errant piece of litter among the landscape of it's back. I wonder if it would be more affective to use magical means? But is it worth not having my soothing energy to help my friends. I keep my eyes trained on the boar and this give me an ample view of Telemon as blood shoot from his chest like a Geyser. I try to pierce the boar with my arrow but even in my zen state I cannot hit him. If I do not reach him he may die.
While planning my next move I see as the beast spears Heleyna, if she is not dead she is close to it. I spring my muscles into action, striding against the dirt and detritus. I wish to save Telemon but he is not one of the fated. I must save Heleyna first.
"The Oracle is not done with you yet" I brush my hand against Heleyna, she is safe from herself now, if not from the boar. I turn to face the boar, directly. I look him in the eyes. I have done too much. I cannot loose my arrow or crash with my mace. It crashes into me.
All goes black.
I awake. It is night. Astraya explains the the boar is dead but as it died it spoke to her. Except not through the air but in her mind. I am week and weary.
"The Beast is not dead or alive, it is merely hovering at the edge." Kyra speaks as we discuss the boar.
Kyra tells us we must light the boar on a sacraficial pyre.
We argue among ourselves who to offer the boar to. After a little while, I sit and meditate. Listening to the wind in the trees and the crack of twigs underfoot. I mull over the gods in my head, most a merely feel their name and the weight of my thoughts but Mytros and Kyra are different.
In Kyra I feel warmth and companionship and protection it is close and familiar.
Mytros, I feel all these things both closer and further away. The feeling is more intense but we will have to seek it out.
I ask the others how willing they are to seek.
They are both born to seek, so we devote the boar to Mytros.
We build the pyre, myself adding cleansing herbs and Heleyna and Astraya gather wood.
We feed the fire together and watch as the fire burns out. I feel at peace.
It feels like the beginning of a new dawn.

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  1. The Beginning