The Kurzah called Hyperspace the Deep. The Rakatan Array made it so they couldn't navigate Hyperspace.
Sothis wanted to reach the last bastion in the Rakatacrom vision. The archeologist of Toprawa said that, when he attacked, Bantrik was trying to find out about the last bastion.
We got a little of the Rakatan side of the conflict, though it was from an ancient, incredibly biased, and probably not very sane Rakatan force ghost.
According to the recording the Rakatan showed us about their M.O. for taking over planets, where a meteor hit the planet and vines seemed to spread from the point of impact that, "something about the planet and the meteor didn't feel correct."
sothari were sothari cause they could grow ships
were looking for more information to travel stars, not enough code to teach it to any one else
computer core was pilot, pilot became ship
the sothari were looking for something, they didn't have the data
they were looking to be stronger
there was a fractured mind? we only had sothari. then they found rakatans and war started
they couldnt get to their worlds, not easily. if I wanted to take over a world, she'd have to stay there. no interestt in staying on a planet long enough to make itt mine. wanted to take useful stuff back to their home world
sothis doesn't understand what she's remembering, she never would have done that (even if she totally could have)
somewhere between 12 and 20 capital ships
the records don't have an official count. may have been lost or classified
according to sothis only sothari could make ships
but they wouldn't have made big ships for anyone but themselves
some of the migght be people? but some of them are probably pets. none are sothari
rakatans say they're a corrpution of the Truth, and use it in a corrupted manner. they infected world tthats needed to be destroyed to the infection.
they were worried about tarentateks on kashyyyk. they don't want them to mimic apex predators so it was worth losng a fleet.
not interested in planetry destruction, just in genetic harvesting
spored destroeyed metal, only longest range weapon outranged the kurzon
infected after a sothari had to crash land
looking for genetic information to make themselves more powerful.
ggrew plants into bioweapons and ships?
superstitious and primitive?
a member of dark council was rumoured to be kurzahn? wore a mask and vaporized on death.