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Tue 21st Dec 2021 04:05

Thoughts after the Battle of the halfling Villiage

by Davos Higuard

Having endured a horrendous battle with the creature created by magic and unleashed by the sages, I'm exhausted. And I'm disgusted at my own actions. This is a massacre. Using the halflings as bait while attacking that... thing... with the sages magic worked, but at such a horrific cost. Those who volunteered were those we should have defended. The ones those below had sought to defend. The poisons we had given them took their toll on the beast, slowing it and making it expose it's soft flesh, but its voracity was unimaginable. Though we spared the other towns and villages, this cost was great.
If only the church of Vith were more powerful in the Riverlands, the mages wouldn't be able to unleash their horrid inventions. This is the doing of the Sages, who wouldn't be allowed to practice their wanton creation in Vithyr. What is the cost of Justice? Truly, what is the cost of temperance?
Though, too much power blinds one to the will and suffering of the people who aren't so blessed. Justice may requires balance. Are the sages are unto the Riverlands as the church of Vith is unto the people of Vithyr? There's freedom here. Freedom to live, to love, to own ones self. There is justice in that freedom. If owning ones self is the freedom to explore ones desires, then that too is Justice. Then the sages have the freedom to explore their own curiosity here. That freedom is also justice. Is there justice in freedom when it destroys the freedom of others? Is there Justice in what the sages have allowed here?
No. I must speak with Pani, and I must know if this is her concept of the freedom the river lands brings. I will have my inquisition, but not that of Vithyrs fire. I will know what she sees as Just. And on judging her, decide if it is worth staying here.

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  1. Thoughts after the Battle of the halfling Villiage