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by Aldran Po

So. Shit went down.
After sailing to try and find Javey Downes our ship was attacked by a Giant squid thing. And after Krakon killed the thing without giving us ant time to release the tentacles holding the ship the ship was dragged down with the Squids corpse.
We all made it to the rowboat and after rowing for a while a Heavenly angel Came down from the sky.
Just kidding the dude is bad news, he told us that he helped killing a child (pretty awesome) and he gambled his weapons away to me over a game of cards, he's actually a pretty chill dude.
Anyways, we rowed for a while and found a stone tentacle statue which pointed us to another one which pointed us to an Island. On the island we found a new ship, not as big but still pretty awesome. The newbie removed a curse on it and we set sail.
After sailing for a while, we sailed into a storm and we're sucked into a whirlpool where we met Javey Downes. He's a pretty chill dude and we now can summon him infinitely and at will.
After that we rocketed the boat into the sky and set sail back towards Tsinaal.
The Gem for the Mist altar thing, was already given to the Big boss of the Victoricci (Vik-Tor-Icky) Empire forces occupying tsinaal so we gucci.

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  1. My Story
    Yule 7th 2077
  2. Crimas Wish list
    7th, Yull, 2077
  3. Setting Sail
  4. schmoovin'