14th of Stockade 803PC 21:35

[oc: session 4; More Loot, Less Pillage]

by Seh-k'r of the Deep Dark [Odemark]

After dispatching our unwelcome upstairs fellow occupants of the airplane, we continued looking for ways to salvage the more interesting items for ourselves, including the rover. We figured it would not be impossible to dig out the rear hatch, but it would take a long time; longer than we have now. There has to be something on this large vehicle that could be of aid to us. Over the next few days, while looking over the controls to the plane, and flipping through the documentation I found up there, I discovered the plane has two 'APUs', or Auxiliary Power Units, which may be able to power the rover up. I also found out there are several power cables within the plane that can be detached without destroying them, which we might be able to use for that as well.
Gamma and Nemora went to dig out the area where one of the APUs should be, while me and Kole prepared the inside of the plane. Unfortunately, we discovered that the APU was practically completely filled with sand, rendering it useless unless we would clean it out completely. For the most part, that was not overly difficult, since Aponia was able to create a set of maintenance tools from some scrap metal Gamma carried around. However, we could not get into the compressor to clean that out in the same way we were able to clean most of the rest. At this point, I noticed the disease suppressant had worn off, and symptoms began to resurface. Mentioning this to the others, Gamma somehow produced something from one of his bags I would never have expected: a mushroom home to the Underdark called "Traveller's Boon", which, among others, cures diseases.
Nemora took me inside to take care of the disease, while Aponia would carefully knock a small hole into the compressor, so we could clean the inside, before magically resealing it. Unfortunately, Aponia turned out to be more clumsy than expected, and damaged the compressor beyond our skill to fix, so we have little choice but to seek outside help, so we disconnected the now broken APU and loaded it into the rover.
In the meantime, I had another look at the navigational computer. As the roof of the rover was up, something caused the device to wake up and start updating. The map it showed was obviously far out of date, but it was not hard to determine roughly what locations on there had become what locations today. The device had a marked destination in the ruins North of Dusholl, and seemed to have originated from the ruins near Hadond. It might be worth investigating both of these locations.
With the APU loaded, and a plan to head to the ruins of Old Dunlee to find salvage to sell, we refueled the rover with the appropriate fuel we found inside the airplane. We also took a pick of supplies from this treasure cove (some food supplies, one sandbag loading station, a bunch of empty sand bags and a solar still), as well as the fuel pump, cables and hoses, and headed toward the ruins.
Nemora took me aside for a moment, and asked me if I knew about tomes of lore and magic. It has become uncommon for such forms of magic to exist nowadays, but it is said it once was far less rare. Such books might still exists somewhere, perhaps in undiscovered vaults or ruins, or maybe in private Amerite collections. Alternatively, the Juxtalen might have access to one or two of these books, but those might not be easy to get access to.

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  1. [oc: session 1; Wheels Begin to Turn]
    11th of Stockade, 803PC 04:00
  2. [oc: session 2; Down the Hatch]
    11th of Stockade, 803PC 12:00
  3. [oc: session 3; In the Belly]
    11th of Stockade 803PC 15:00
  4. [oc: session 4; More Loot, Less Pillage]
    14th of Stockade 803PC 21:35