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Tue 16th Feb 2021 05:28

Dungeon Muses

by Epiphany

Down, down we go where this dungeon ends nobody knows.
Dark and dank, what treasures will we find?
Maddness, maddness but nobody minds.
Dwarfs, Demons and towns so shabby. An elf named Willow, and a bear named Growly.
Voices, voices swirl everywhere. The darkeness is driving me mad, sunlight, sunlight no where in sight.
Down, down we go where this dungeon ends nobody knows.
Make a deal here, make a deal there. The toll is required everywhere. Skeletons and sounds that go bump in the night laying in wait for their just delight.
Huddle, huddle, close in the hut. Rest your eyes, say your prayers we aren't going anywhere.
Wake, wake it may be day break. We need to go down, down to the end, where it is nobody knows. On the hunt for the Mad Mage we go.

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