Out of my Depth by Bulwark | World Anvil

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Thu 11th Nov 2021 03:42

Out of my Depth

by Bulwark

...we located Angajuk's Bell. My worst fears have come to light. I have to get on a ship on the back of a whale and travel for days underwater. If I had skin, I'm sure it'd be crawling. As we set sail, I'm 100% content on staying below deck where I can't see anything and pretending I'm back at Ten Towns on an unstable cart or something. I bet this would be a great time to be able to sleep like the others do. Being unconscious sounds like a great idea right now.
Vellynne came down and asked me to assist with accelerating the healing of a new tattoo I hadn't seen before. I healed her as best I could, and she informed me that my friends were getting tattoo's on deck. Despite my better mind, I decided to go up and see what trouble they were getting into. I got up there just in time it would seem to calm Stefan's mind long enough to give Morthos a tattoo, and a pretty nice one too - all things considered.
Shortly after it was called out that we were passing Storm Giants and gave them a wide berth, then a while after that we came across what appeared to be the ruins of a long-forgotten city underwater. After a lengthy debate, we decided to give it a quick look-through. After instructing Angajuk to give us 2 hours (or was it one hour?) to explore.
Here's hoping this isn't a huge mistake.

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