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Sun 1st Aug 2021 02:18

Repairing the Broken Man

by Mossy Catree MossMaker

She was almost disgusted by his demeanor. What happened to that unwavering hardness that usually accompanied him. I suppose hiding a secret from me for the last 10 years can take it’s toll. She ground her teeth unknowing, at the thought of the lie. I cant believe he didn't tell me. She shook her head and stood up. These thoughts were haunting her more and more lately, especially since he joined us at the keep.
“Well I suppose I’ll head down to the valley and try and get some practice.” Mossy mumbled to herself. The new lessons had been very informative, but were also entirely aggravating. He wasn’t the same. When she trained with him at Lorenspur he was always gruff and demanding. Nothing less than perfection was acceptable. It wasn’t that way for just Mosssy though, he was that with all of his students. All too quick to rap you on the shoulder with his stick if your stance was off, even in the slightest. Mossy unconsciously rubs her elbow. It had been the constant target for Gunter when they trained years ago. She had been terrible at keeping her arm in the correct position, and had all to often incurred the wrath is his stick.
It was too much trouble for Mossy to depart from the front of the keep to get down to the valley, so she headed for the caves deep under the keep, towards the back entrance. It had taken quite some time, but the caves were so much nicer than when the party first headed down there. They seemed brighter as well, although no additional lighting had been added. Instead of heading straight for the exit she took the long way around in hopes of running into Oracle. It had been several days since she had a change to speak with him. He was always interested in her stories of the outside world, yet had no desire to go out there himself. It was quite strange having a sentient Roper reside at the keep, at least he was a peaceful fellow. Another cursed creature brought forth by Ziegler. That damn wizard. Oh well, she thought to her self, what would a roper even do out in the world... she shrugged and continued down the long tunnel. Her lichen and moss lantern was glowing peacefully admitting a cool purple light. It was difficult for her to convince the bioluminescent plants that she meant no harm, and would keep them healthy if they would come with her and be her light source. She chuckled a bit, that moss was so sassy! She could move it easily, but it refused to glow after any changes. She was trying to remember what exactly she told it that made it agree to join her. Having a dim light source readily available to her was quite beneficial, especially when she didn't want the attention of a torch. She was getting better at seeing with the undulating purple glow. She continued on her way, but was somewhat disappointed that Oracle wasn’t in his usual spot. She could take the time to go further into the caves to look for him, but the forest was calling loudly to her today. She gave up and headed towards the stables and the exit.
The vine and rubble wall was holding up quite well. Even though they planned on redoing the rear entrance eventually, the wall continued to grow and strengthen in the meantime. Mossy was quite proud of herself for creating the structure with such little supplies and time. Growing the moss and small vines had always been easy, but something of this magnitude had taken her quite a long time. The initial structure was put up quickly using half rotted timbers and as well as rocks and other found rubbish. She then filled in the gaps and grew the vines, interweaving them into a wall. Mossy then spent several hours a day for an additional week focused on growing the vines thicker and filling in the gaps, the entrance was now quite secure. She was pleased that the door and frame was available for her to use. It was just sitting in a pile of rubble near the center of the caves in the largest cavern. Even though most of the rubble was useless, there had been a few good finds. The cart they were able to piece together was almost ready to be used. Once the blacksmith was able to make more square nails they would be able to complete it and start on the stables. So much yet to be done...
She strode to the door and was a little surprised to find it unlocked. “Someone must already be out here” she mused. No matter, I wont bother them. She chuckled soundlessly, “I’m sure they wont even see me.”
Mossy headed away from the clearing and entered the woods. If you watched closely it almost looked as if the plants reached out to embrace her as she disappeared into the foliage. The forest was buzzing with energy. It was so refreshing for Mossy to be back in the woods again. She could feel the moss giving way under her feet and the twigs bending but not breaking under her gentle weight. She moved silently through the forest, instinctively picking mushrooms and herbs as she walked. Even though she gathered supplies every time she was out, there was absolutely no trace of her foraging or her presence. Moss was tucked into holes where mushrooms were extracted, and leaves were gathered so delicately the plants would thrive even with their lost foliage.
She shifted slightly to the left and picked up her pace on a narrow deer trail. The clearing she often used for target practice was right around the next stand of trees. To Mossy this clearing was too close to the keep for her liking, although anyone else in the party would be hard pressed to make it out here in the same amount of time. It was probably a couple of miles from the keep, deep into the ravine, however her party would have struggled to even find the slight trails that she used. After entering the clearing Mossy settled on a large boulder, crossed her legs and sat down. She placed her bow and a few arrows across her lap, then placed several stones in a semi-circle in front of her and closed her eyes.
To anyone else the forest would appear quiet... to Mossy it screamed with life. The trees moaned with pleasure at the gentle breeze flowing through them, their leaves embracing its touch. The birds and small animals scurry about the forest floor looking for feed and seed. The rustling of dried leaves caught in branches whispered of the impending fall.
Slowly Mossy started pushing the sounds out, pushing the distractions out. Trying to settle into her own mind. Breath in, breath out, breath in, breath out. Empty vessel. Fill me with nothingness and empty me of everything. Breath in, breath out.
“They came for you Catree, not your sister.”
Like being slapped Mossy is ripped from her meditation. “They came for you, Catraa was supposed to be your protector. Your sister was your guardian and was well aware of the risks involved, and she chose to stay with you. You are the Horizon walker...”
Mossy stood up abruptly and threw her arrows to the ground. The stones, so carefully placed around her tumble off of the boulder. Her fist, white knuckled, clenched tightly on her bow. Her peace was gone, ripped from her, just as Catraa was ripped from her life.
“Sister…" Mossy clenched her eyes shut, fighting back the stinging tears welling up. After a few deep breaths her fist slowly relaxed from its death grip on her bow. She took several more deep breaths, stood up, focusing on the target across the clearing. She picked up her arrows and stuck them into the soft soil next to the boulder which she had been meditating on.
What was it that had Gunter said? It would take more strength to pull the string back, but the hardest part would be the release. Without the proper timing the two arrows could collide or take off in completely the wrong direction. She drew her bow and slowly exhales through her nose. Release. Thwak thwak. The arrows land in quick succession into her target. She took another breath and redrew her bow. Exhale, thwak thwak. Two more arrows fly across the clearing and into the stump, these even closer together than the first. These lessons were paying off. It took a considerable amount of time to draw and shoot two arrows in succession. Being able to launch two arrows at once was providing to be a worthwhile skill to learn. She took out two more arrows and prepared for her next shot. Breathe in, draw, exhale... “she died because of you” twang, thwak. One arrow hits the stump, the tip barely staying in, the other skittered across the forest floor past her target. Mossy shook her head and once again had to relax the white knuckle grip on her bow, tears threatening again.
Every day this week has been like this... not just this week, pretty much ever she heard the truth from of her sister’s death from Brother Sorro. It just wasn’t fair that no one had told her, especially Gunter. She had been with him for over 10 years and he hadn’t once hinted to this truth. Well... he never hinted at anything really. He was always so closed up. Even on the anniversary of his lover’s death, when he got completely stinking drunk. She thought briefly about the yearly ritual, he would disappear and Mossy would go find him, bring him home and nurse him back to consciousness. The first time it happened, it really scared her. This strong, stern man who always had his wits about him came stumbling into their cottage late on that cold winter’s night. Even in his drunken state Mossy was overwhelmed by the sadness that emanated from his body. It took her breath away and stunned her. She had always been sensitive to people’s emotions, but this was the first time she was overwhelmed by someone. He fell to his knees seeming to sob but with no sound and no tears. She had only lived with him for a few months at that time and she wasn’t prepared to see this side of him. She stood there motionless in the shadows and waited anxiously. Eventually he caught his breath and ever so slowly turned hid head and looked into the shadows directly at Mossy. Her heart stopped, her breathing stopped, it felt as though time had stopped as well. “I need some water” Mossy just about jumped out of her skin when he spoke, snapping her back, and releasing her from her daze. She hesitated for only a moment before scurrying over to the water jug, pouring a small cup full and taking it over to Gunter. He looked up from his kneeling position, sat back on his heels and took the water from her, his eyes once again cast to the floor. She filled the cup three times before he spoke again.
“You shouldn’t have to see me like this.” His gruff voice strained against a raw throat. Mossy managed to mumble something like “its ok” but it was lost in his shirt as she fell to her knees and embraced him. She felt him stiffen immediately and withdraw from her, managing to pull himself to his feet, leaving her kneeling on the floor. He stumbled heavily to the left and lurched towards his bed. Mossy scampered to her feet and managed to untie his cloak and swiftly sweep it from his shoulders as he fell onto the mattress. His face looked so pained. Mossy’s heart cried out for him, but she doesn’t reach for him again. Tears flowed freely from her eyes as she takes his boots off and tries to get his lower half onto the bed. After struggling with his dead weight she gives up on getting his outside leg up on the the bed, and settles for covering him with his blanket. His breathing was quite irregular as she stood next to his bed. “I wonder what happened to him... I’ve never seen him like this before.” Thinking back she could remember him toasting with an ale at ceremonies, but she had never seen him even the least bit inebriated. His breath slowly started to calm down, and eventually it evened out, and she could tell he had fallen asleep. She sighed heavily and walked over to the cupboards. Inside the cabinet were jars and jars filled with a myriad of herbs and greens. She begins picking some from different jars, creating what she referred to as her re rescue tea. “He will need this in the morning” she says aloud to herself, and gasps as he mumbles and stirs in his sleep. She freezes until his breathing returns to a regular rhythm. Looking out of the window at the pale light forming in the distance she assumes they will need to be up in a couple of hours. She goes ahead and stokes up the fire a bit and puts the kettle on the heat plate. She leaves the mug with the dried tea at Gunter’s place at the table. Yawning she returned to her bed and fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow. She was awakened by the sound of the door shutting as Gunter left the house. She bolts upright and looks over to the table. Sitting at her seat was a bowl of mash, and sitting at his seat was an empty bowl, and an empty mug. She smiled to herself knowing that he drank the tea she prepared for him. She quickly eats and washes up, hurrying to the post to meet with Gunter. As she reaches him near the back of the building she was shocked so see no trace of last night’s drink on his face. She greeted him as usual and they started their day. He never once mentioned anything about that night. It wasn’t until a year later when he did it again did mossy finally learn something of his loss.
Mossy, knowing her focus was gone, casually walks the length of the clearing to retrieve her arrows. Even though she wasn’t trying she still moved sliently through the dried grass towards her target. She wasn’t really looking for her arrow, in fact she wasn’t looking for much of anything. She stops near the dead stump which she used as her target and collects the arrows embedded in the soft wood. As she stands up, she places her hand upon the top of the decaying wood and whispers a word of thanks to the tree long gone, yet serving still. She turns to the forest and heads towards the path her arrow took into the woods. Mossy looks down to see a perfect bed of the greenest moss about 3 feet long and a few inches wide. She blinks as her eyes focus upon the arrow sitting perfectly centered on the bed of moss. As she reaches down for the arrow tears stream down her face. “Catraa. Catraa is that really you, or is this some trick of the forest?” Mossy squeezes her eyes shut, fighting the tears that were bubbling under her surface. She knew that if her true sorrow escaped there could be grave consequences. When she opened her eyes there was one single violet blossom growing from the moss. She chuckled, grimaced, then smiled and reached out one finger to touch the blossom. “Whatever Catraa, I’m totally not impressed” with her arrows in hand she makes the track back to the keep. She wasn’t going to be able to accomplish anything out here. Maybe she could work on her garden instead.
Mossy stops by the large boulder and picks up her stones, placing them in the soft bark pouch where she kept them. Sure they were just stones, but they seemed helped her, so she keeps them close.
Instead of heading straight back to the keep she headed across the valley to the other side of the creek and scaled the steep walls of the east side of the valley. As she ascended she could hear voices echoing from above her. After listening for a moment she could make out Suvai’s voice. He was asking questions about a fighting stance, but she couldn’t make out the person replying to his inquires. Mossy took a moment to steady her self and she started stealthing up the hillside. As she neared the rim she paused for a moment as a small twig snaps under her floor. “Crap” she breathlessly says to herself. Gunter looked up immediately and straight in her direction. She paused for a second contemplating ducking back into the valley, but she stands up and heads toward them instead. Failure on all fronts today. Couldn’t meditate, couldn’t shoot, couldn’t stealth. This was not lining up to be a good day. And now running into Gunter was the last straw. She hadn’t been purposely avoiding him, at least not consciously, but had managed to not see him for a few days. She greeted them and settled onto a downed tree to watch the lesson. It was quite common for party members to observe training. It was a great way to learn about eachother’s strengths and weaknesses. Gunter started the lesson almost immediately after she settled, but she caught him looking towards her out of the corner of his eye. Suave returned to his fighting stance and swung his sword swiftly once to the left and then to the right in quick succession. She was quite impressed with his recent development. He had always been a formidable fighter, but his recent focusing had really honed his skills. She also knew how much Gunter had worked with him. After a short sparing match Gunter started asking him questions again. Mossy sighed and chuckled to hersef. The lesson focused on the natural aspect of the land, and the bounty it holds. Gunter was also informing him about the local animals, and other creatures we may run into. As Gunter spoke Mossy let her mind wonder again. It was risky to do so as she was already having such a difficult day.
As mossy relaxed against the tree she could practically recite the current lesson. “It’s not just the bounty of the land, it is about respecting it and allowing it to flourish as if you never were there in the first place. We should never be a burden to the land.”
Mossy closed her eyes, letting his familiar words wash over her. These words that she learned so long ago. She sighed deeply and leaned her head against the tree, finally letting some of the tension seep from her shoulders.
“Another thing to remember...” his deep voice, gruff but somehow melodic drowned out the nagging voices in her head and she drifted off to sleep. The dapple flashes of sunshine through the leaves danced across her face as she rested.
Gunter, as hard as he tried was failing to maintain focus on his current student. “Let’s break for a bit with this and you can work on the double strike again. He steps back to give Suavai room to start his routine again. As Suavai goes through the motions Gunter gravitates back to where Mossy was sitting. He was quite startled to see that she was actually sleeping. He thought for sure it was a ruse to make him feel guilty. It didn’t matter if it was a ruse or not, he did feel guilty. When she walked up to him while he was camping on his way to Ashburn to meet her, she looked so forlorned. He knew immediately that she had learned the truth. Her eyes still haunt him. He tries to look up and watch Suavai, but uncontrollably his eyes ended up resting on Mossy’s face again and again. If only he had told her sooner, then maybe she wouldn’t feel so betrayed. She would feel betrayed... she should feed betrayed, no matter what... he had betrayed her trust by not telling her the truth.
I cant believe that Mossy was able to decieve Brother Sorro like that... and using his own likeness none the less. She has gotten so much more powerful, it was painfully clear to him that she did need to move on from Lorenspur. As much as he had fought letting her go. She had heard his lessons for years now, and yet still humored him and his stubbornness. Or at least she use to. He clenched his teeth so hard there was an audible click. He looked back to Suavai who had stopped and was leaning against his sword looking towards he and Mossy. Gunter stood up immediately, embarrassed that he was caught. He strode over to Suavai and clapped him on the back. “It’s good to see you are taking this so seriously, you have made excellent progress in our short time together.”
“I cant thank you enough for your time Gunter.” Suavai says as he shakes off the sting from Gunter’s “pat” on the back. “I am quite surprised that the sea and the land have so much in common. Without your guidance i know i would not have made that connection. It is immensely helpful to be able to think of the trees as coral and kelp, and the birds and animals as fish and crustaceans.” Suavai sheathes his practice stood and nods towards Mossy. “I’m fine calling it for today if you want to spend some time with her.” Gunter stiffens, embarrassed again, but sighs and nods. “Can you make it back to the keep?” Suavai nods and heads southwest out of the clearing. “Well i wont be out here for too long if he gets lost again.” Gunter shrugs to himself and turns back to Mossy still apparently asleep. As he walks to wards her he notices a slight sparkle to her face in the sunlight. He leans towards her and gasps aloud as he sees tears streaming down her face. She was breathing normally, but the tears were steady. He was stuck, half standing and half crouched unable to look away. He sees her mouth move just a little and he holds his breath waiting...
“Catraa.” No more than a whisper, yet filled with such grief, Gunter slowly reaches out for her but catches himself at the last second and sits back down on the log. His head falls to his hands. He had no right to comfort her. He was the cause of all this pain. She clearly didn’t need him. Rubbing his face on his corse calloused hands he sits up and looks to Mossy again. Tears still streamed down her face, her eyes darted behind her eyelids and she was clenching her fist now. “Catraa... my fault...” upon hearing those words his throat and chest tightened so much he found himself unable to take a breath. Blinking rapidly to fight back the tears he reaches out to her again, but this time she opens her eyes and grabs his hand, her other darting for the dagger she keeps in her boot. “Woah, woah, Mossy. Be easy girl, its only me.” Her hand lingers on his for just a moment before she sits up and reaches for her face. “It’s wet...” seemingly confused mossy rubs her face. “Uh... you were... uh, you were... ummm... you were crying in your sleep.” Mossy looks up at him, eyes narrowing. “I was what?” Gunter starts again, hesitates and takes a deep breath. “It’s not your fault you know.” Gunter grumbles. Mossy turns to him slowly, failing to make eye contact. Gunter continues, “if anything, its my fault. As you know... uh... yeah, i guess you know it all now... so... as you know Brother Sorro sent for me to come deal with the threat to your people. If only we had of made it on time. The weather was awful you see...” Gunter stops. Mossy looks up and this time it’s Gunter that looks away. His hair was so much more grey now, Mossy mused, trying to distract herself. “We uh, tried to cross the river, but had to camp for two nights because the ferries couldn’t cross because of the flooding. If only we had of made them take up across in the storm. We would have made it in time to...” he trailed off again looking up and meeting Mossy’s gaze for the first time in months. He almost broke eye contact, but steadied himself and maintained. Clearing his throat he says firmly. “As i said, it wasn’t your fault. We had a job to do and we failed. It’s that simple.” This time it was Mossy that sighed. She breaks eye contact and looks to her feet, where a plush patch of moss pooled around her and up the back of the tree where she was leaning. Gunter follows her gaze and chuckles. “That moss... that moss is what saved your life. If we hadn’t seen it growing around you on that funeral pyre you would have gone up with your sister.” “Maybe that would have been for the better.” Mossy states flatly, then immediately regrets is as she hears Gunter gasp. “Truly,.. do you truly feel like that Mossy?” She shakes her head slowly. “No, but i just think it would have made everything easier.” “Easier on WHO?” Gunter yells. “Mossy you saved me.” Mossy looks up to Gunter startled. “What do you mean i saved you?? You were the one who killed the rest of the...” she hesitates for a second trying to remember what those foul creatures were called. SHe hadn’t heard of them before speaking with Brother Sorro a few weeks back. “Gnolls. They were gnolls Mossy.” “Yes, the gnolls, you were the one that killed them all revenging the deaths against my family. Plus you raised me.” The last part almost came out like a wining child. “Raised you?” Gunter laughs, “i taught you, but you raised yourself. I was in a really bad place before i met you Mossy. Having you around really put things into perspective for me.” Gunter stands and turns his back to her. Mossy slowly stands as well, still holding onto the tree, half for support and half for comfort. “The problem with your reasoning. Gunter, is that i am the reason the gnolls came in the first place. Because of me. Because of this power hidden somewhere inside of me. I didn’t want this, i didn’t want any of this. I just wanted to be like her... i just wanted to be like Catraa. I just... wanted...” Mossy trails off. As Gunter turns to face her, there are once again tears streaming down her face. Before he even knows what he is doing, he pulls Mossy into an embrace, hugging her tightly. She stiffens momentarily then collapses into his arms. Her body convulsed with her sobbing. Gunter squeezing her tighter and tighter and she hung onto him just as hard. His eyes welled up and this time instead of fighting it he let them flow. They held each other in that clearing for what seemed like forever. As the sorrow escaped a warmth began to settle in. The warmth of healing. The tears running down Gunter’s face were long over due. Not once since the night of his lover’s death has he shed a tear. Even in his yearly drunken stupor not one tear was shed. They flowed freely now, and with them came an understanding. This warmth and healing could only come from Mossy. She was truly his daughter, and his love gave him new hope. Just having Mossy this close gave him hope. Was there a chance that she wouldn’t hate him? “Did i really save you?” Mossy pulls back with a wily smile on her disheveled face. “You did indeed Mossy, and there is no way for me to thank you enough.” She leans into him again, resting her head on his shoulder. “I love you Gunter” she says muffled against his shirt. Breathlessly he says it back. “I love you too Mossy. You are a gift to this world. You are a gift to me. You must know that. Your abilities will blossom and you will be truly formidable.” He takes a breath and stands back holding Mossy by her shoulders. “But more than that, you will be kind. And you will be loyal. And you will be a hand in justice, and you will live a good life because thats who you are... and thats why you saved me Mossy. That’s why.”
Mossy and Gunter return to their seats, mossy settling back on her soft moss seat and Gunter sitting on the downed limb. Mossy knew he wouldn’t be joining her on the ground, it was too hard on his knees these days. As they continued their chat their voices carried down the ravine and into the wild. The forest embracing their joy.
As they walked back to the keep later that evening Mossy offered Gunter a space in the grow room as his own if he wanted. Gunter was clearly pleased to be given the offer but declined, mumbling something about how young women need their space.
She chuckled at his discomfort, patting him on the back. “No worries Gunter, I hear you have a pretty nice private room all set up. Is there anything else you need before we leave the keep for Demtodna??” “No Mossy, you already spoil me. This place is absolutely incredible. Errr... i mean, it will be. Still a bit of rust and dust to get rid of.”
She chuckled again. Have a good night Gunter. I’ll see you in the morning for breakfast and maybe a bit of target practice.” “Sounds good Mossy.” Mossy barely catches a glimpse of the grin on his face as he turns to go. “Goodeve to you as well.”
Gunter strode down happily towards the main hall. As he walked away Mossy noticed his posture had returned to normal, he wasn’t slouching as he walked, and his gate was strong and with purpose.
She smiled to herself as she headed towards the grow room.

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  1. Repairing the Broken Man