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Thu 21st Jan 2021 06:43

Treehouses, caves, and a beach

by Silva Lan

Yet again I have found myself in another ridiculous cave. Today was most trifling. For whatever reason I decided to follow these fools into a cave in search of something of worth, just to find a cave in and encroaching rock trying to swallow us up. I discovered an invisible walkway above a raging river, and eventually we discovered some underground lake. The short one, Koal, talked about it being due to ley lines or something along those lines. The water was something special, but not special enough for all that cave crawling.
Things have certainly changed, I have not traveled among others like this in a long while. They do not know of any of my history and I intend to keep it that way. For now, we will rest in this beachside town..
Now that I have this new journal, I guess I will continue my paltry musings.
*Here there is a sketch of the tide pools*

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  1. Treehouses, caves, and a beach