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7th of Frostfall 158

The Gates

by Opium Jack

The city walls towered over the horizon. Steam from the city's factories poured into the sky. From within, silhouettes of beasts, angels, and machines went about to-and-fro. It was a magnificent day without so much as a cloud in sight. Such circumstance only added to my amazement upon seeing the vastness of Ravnica.
"Shove it higher! Zhorguul still got room."
"Damn it Zhorguul! This is one of the most fucked things you've done. How the fuck do you expect to take up a bag of 'bonedust' up the ass?!"
"Quiet and hurry. How we get past border guard if you no shove? So shove!"
Suddenly the day didn't seem so perfect after hearing--- and smelling, our preparation work before entering the city. Standard party protocol, see a checkpoint, either find another way in or hide our contraband. Nothing too crazy in our pockets this time. I didn't understand what all the fuss what about. Back in towns by the country, nobody would give a hoot if you were carrying a world ending relic.
I suggested we go through the city sewers but I guess nobody felt like trudging through shit so early in the morning. Most of us got past the checkpoint with no problem after taking the time to hide what needed to be hidden. Although I was mistaken for a-- a simic creation? The city houses a group of biomancers with a knack for playing God. They fuse animals to create new animals or merge animals with people to create animal people. I guess they said this because of my curse morphing my skin into what looks like fish scales. It's spreading faster than before and itching like crazy.
Walter had problems with customs. His undead centaurs needed permits. So did the slave children he bought from Chainhold. Nure-onna was put in a verity circle, a truth telling magic used by the Azorius, for reasons I forget. Something to do with magic items, I suppose? Zhorguul was quite obvious with the way he walked, yet he made it through which was a surprise for us all.
Ravnica was unlike any other city. The streets were awash in a rainbow of colors with citizens in clothing just as colorful. Loxodon priests, Vedalken soldiers, Goblin couriers, Spirit bankers, a multitude of races all living together. A group of children played fetch with what looked like a dragon that was made of spare parts. Canals ran along the street while tubes of electricity and steam pumped overhead. Doorways lead to more doorways, what made one neighbourhood distinct from the next I couldn't tell. Ravnica was a living maze.
We were stopped by a young boy selling newspapers.
"How much lad?"
"A silver piece mister!"
"Have a gold."
"SHOOO WEE! A gold piece? Thanks a bunch sir!"
I've never seen a newspaper before but it was as if a town crier wrote down everything they wanted to say onto a paper then hand it out to people. Genius I say! This city was going to be the start of an unforgettable adventure.
--Signed O.J

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  1. Stories of Ravnica
    5th of Frostfall 158
  2. (Not) The Warmest Welcome
    6th of Frostfall 158
  3. The Gates
    7th of Frostfall 158