Tonight. Was. Fantastic! Oh, I just have to tell Nana and Popop all about it! It might be a little difficult with the blanks in my memory, but I'm sure they'll have ideas on how to dress up the story for mother and father. Don't want them to worry more than they already do about me. The glasses I got from the mysterious Happy Mask Salesman are simply fantastic!! They create colors I've never seen all around me! There's so much variation, even among the leaves and sky! Is this what everyone sees?! And at dark! I'm not completely night blind anymore! This will surely be incredibly helpful. Magical items seem to have auras when viewed through my new spectacles as well! Very handy. Especially so because several of the other items my squad received seem exceptionally dubious. I need to keep an eye open for any unusual new behaviors, just in case.
I do wish I could remember what stories everyone traded away. I don't feel like I traded anything too vital? But then no one else seems to know how important anything was that was traded either... Nana and Popop would have my ears if I was too reckless with such contracts. "For the Fey, their Word is their Bond." Though I suppose technically, the Salesman insisted he wasn't Fey. Interesting.