Library Scriblings by Lana | World Anvil

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Fri 30th Aug 2019 04:44

Library Scriblings

by Lana

Dear Lili,
I’m going to go wander alone for a little awhile. Of course I love you, and our friends, but I think after all of this anyone would want a moment with their thoughts. I’ll be back soon enough, and I’ll stay safe.
Stop being a coward Lana. The paragraph is scratched out.
I’m going to the blood well. Mysterious portrait man gave me some things to hand off to Xylund. It’ll be fastest for me to go alone- hop on the horse and I’ll be there in a few hours.
Also be nice to Davynn, I don’t know what you two are doing out there but I hear magic and screaming. That doesn’t sound like target practi-
She scratches it out again.
I love you, sis. Please understand that I do, and that I would never want to hurt you. All of this group’s antics, deadly and otherwise, have made it blindingly clear that you would move mountains for me- and Caeracht showed me I can’t live with that.
Damned if I don’t know that telling you to simply stop studying magic for my safe if you have no other reason to won’t do a thing. I won’t even try to ask. I will be forever grateful to you.
But, I need to be independent now. I can’t let you keep putting life on the line for me- and I want to be free to do what I need. Regardless of perceived risk. Regardless of your approval.
I’m taking the portrait and leaving the amulet with Kern. I’m going to the blood well. I’ll see you in a few days.
Lana is ripping up the paper when Hildreth walks in. Something about a ghost?