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Sat 21st Nov 2020 04:35

Off on the Road to Caracara

by Cicerone of the Silent Ones; Far Speaker Maul-Moir MacMaris

I certainly do get around! I received word a week ago that a Far Speaker was needed in Caracara, so I packed my bag, and joined one of the caravans headed that way. Apparently there's a fair going on there right now, and so securing a group to travel with wasn't hard to accomplish. I spent a lot of time speaking with the caravan master, a striking woman named Idrinden. She had a lot of questions for me, regarding the nature of gods, and curses. It seems that her caravan has been plagued by bad luck and strange happenings. She wasn't wrong either, as on the third day of our journey, a wagon wheel just shattered, with nary a stone or rut in sight. One moment the wheel appeared sound, the next it exploded into flying shards of wood.
I patched up the injured as well as I could, but the event still troubles me. I wonder if perhaps someone in her caravan has the spark of magic in them, but lack the awareness or control to tap into it, causing it to spring forth in strange ways. There was nothing of a divine nature upon her, and I recommended she find a learned practitioner of the arcane who might know about such things better than I do. Elves, even half-breeds like her are lousy with magic, and my training was not inclined in that direction.
Beyond exploding wagon wheels, the trip has been uneventful. I prefer the tedium of a journey spent watching the landscape roll past over the possibly lethal excitement of a trip fraught with challenges. I've occupied my time with some first aid, sharing stores from the Thazik Duum, and spiritual guidance. As I write this, I can see the town coming into view. Once we arrive, I will be occupied with finding this Kathra Synthfist (what kind of name that is for a dwarf, I have no idea. Maybe one of the new Gene-Lines that have been developed in the outside world) and performing the rites she requires. Then, we'll see what this fair has in store!

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  1. Off on the Road to Caracara