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Thu 2nd Jul 2020 07:18

Settled in Seabreeze

by Sworn Paladin of Sarenrae Filea Dawnseeker

I've finally gotten to the capital, Seabreeze. So much has happened on this journey! Where to start....
I have a traveling companion now. His name is Varis. He's very kind. I found his former companions being attacked on the road, I was too late to save them all, but I managed to save him. He all but begged to travel with me in thanks, I was unsure at first, but I relented to at least guide him to his destination. I felt pity and fondness, so I permitted him to see my face.
He stayed with me.
Now that we're proper companions, we've come to Seabreeze to seek out rumors of the Crystal Graveyard, his former party's quest. Apparently the graveyard is overrun with undead and magic corruption, and needs help turning the tides. I'm glad to take up such a challenge, both to honor those I couldn't save and continue my oaths of protection.
We haven't been settled in Seabreeze a full day before we heard rumors that new adventurers had been going missing in town. I couldn't let that stand, so Varis and I decided to investigate. Alas, no grand conspiracy, just a small gang of men using young travelers to feel a sliver of power. They didn't accept Sarenrae's mercy, so they had to settle for mine. I'd almost feel pity. One of the underlings showed us where they were storing their stolen goods and told us the truth. They'd murdered their victims. He was only in this to keep food on the table, so I gave him some leftover silver and sent him on with mercy. I hope he does something good with it. There was no way to properly return the stolen goods, so we reasoned that we could carry on the fallen adventurer's mission with what was left. Sarenrae bless them.
Varis has promised to take me to a few places for dinner, as part of his gratitude to me. Honestly, I'm enjoying having the variety. He's a great companion.

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  1. Settled in Seabreeze