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Sat 29th Jun 2019 06:57

Musings from Beyond the Grave

by Hugo Chops

So... this is odd. But I'm dead. It's not everyday that you die I suppose. That's why I'm writing it all down for sages and mediums or who ever stumbles across this. I still have sometime left to wait before I'm carried off to the afterlife. Such a wonderful little death, drowned whilst falling asleep. Got to hand it to Joydrop. She knows how to kill a man. Joydrop? She's a nymph, I was smitten now I'm dead. But who am I to complain? It's not like we can apply human morals to the fey anyway. So why get hung up about it? It was bliss.
Except. I did lose my family, we won't be able to see each other again. That..that is more painful then I know what to do with. I just hope they can forgive me for pursuing joy to my watery grave. I was always such a fool and a simpleton. Okay if anyone from my family is reading this we're all simpletons I was the fool part. On the bright side maybe I'll run into Amber. My twin sister we were so close until the pox got her. Something to look forward to. She'll probably poke fun at me for how I died. Her stupid love struck twin.
The afterlife calls me. I wonder whats out there? I wonder whats next?

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