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Sat 20th Aug 2022 02:47

The Mighty Stag (Where adventures begin)

by Bay Waterwheel

The tavern was busy awaiting the group of entertainers that Maggie the innkeeper had booked for the evening. The crowd was excited and eager to enjoy a night of merriment and music. I sat off to the side taking in all the different patrons but noticed three that seemed new to the town. A portly Halfling, emerald Dragonborn, and a fit elven maiden. odd seeing new faces in town...... maybe I should watch them, they could be running from town to town trying to avoid capture. I haven't heard of any new bounties out but it never hurts to be alert. As the tavern fills up and the band arrive the musicians begin to play. The soft soothing music is almost hypnotic, in fact it seems that some of the patrons are dosing off, except me and two of the others I was watching. Noticing this I start looking around and see the two halflings from the band rummaging through the sleeping patrons. Oddly the Heavy set Halfing calls them out and they end the song and retreat. Watching them leave I take note of the burly Human, beautiful long haired elf , and two female halfings. My mind start spinning wondering if this "performance" was sanctioned by the A.S. or are some roving band of cutpurses expanding into unwelcomed waters. As the other patrons start waking up our plot thickens when some of the customers fail to wake up. things start to heat up so I decide to offer my services to Maggie. Help clear the name of her fine establishment and maybe make some quick gold in the process. I go speak with Maggie and get her to agree to 100 Gold pieces to bring down this troublesome group of musical miscreants. Seeing the three strangers I witnessed when I arrived start to band together I insinuate to Maggie that we're a group of adventurers and enlist them to help me bring these choral cutpurses to justice.....
After some brief introductions I lead our group Eagle and Steed Tavern, a place that had to deliver some messages about bounties to The A.S.

Continue reading...

  1. The Mighty Stag (Where adventures begin)
  2. Bounty-ful Day