Saving Strixhaven by Delphi | World Anvil

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Sun 25th Jun 2023 11:36

Saving Strixhaven

by Delphi Crisdrith

Usually when people start this, they always begin a story of how they were always meant for greatness. I just wanted to live, I'm going to be entirely honest. That's why I helped because no one else could and we were the only hope. Murgaxor came back , he was a previous student who was seeking revenge. He had taken control of Dean Tullus with an item she found in the Deadlands. Turns out everything we had been trying to do and save Dean Tullus had been making the entire process slower or preventing us from getting the help we needed. He had poisoned the entire school making them vulnerable to his magic allowing him to kill the entire school. We left and had to find out Murgaxors location ,we found a hideout in the desert with stolen books weird creatures and the information we needed. We also made a friend named Vargas, who's a Flame Skull. Very interesting guy who wanted revenge against Murgaxor, so he tagged along with us. We found an ex Strixhaven Student called Ydemi who had been part of the school that tried to overthrow the entire school, she had a student of Strixhaven that she was in the process of training that we didn't get the name of. They were working for Murgaxor, they claim they were trying to escape. I want to believe them but I honestly think they just wanted to live. We took them both back to campus and found the creature I'd been helping Regenerate was called a