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Sun 18th Jun 2023 01:10

Interesting developments

by Luxanna

It's fun watching that kid squirm. He's fun to mess with. Definitely didn't expect me to flirt back. He's good for a laugh. Got my free food and drinks so can't complain. Not sure if I can trust these guys, but they're good for entertainment at the moment. The little Kobald told the story of his villiage being destroyed. I have to wonder if it's connected to other unexpected villiage destructions. They keep asking me so many annoying personal questions. I'll continue to let them know only the bare minimum. Or maybe I can shape my story to better get the information I desire. It looks like we may be in this together for a while. I was able to convince them to allow us to rest before we continue with our plan. It's important they think I am powerful, but they cannot see that I'm low on magic after that fight in the market earlier. I need to be at full power for whatever comes next. Plus if I get free time, I can earn some more money. If we will be facing a dragon, I'll need to buy some protective items. But that is all dependant on whatever this Iko has to tell me. I plan to get as much information from her as possible. She has to know something useful. I've been stuck at a standstill in my investigation. I need to move forward.

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  1. Those idiots ruined everything
  2. Interesting developments