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Wed 20th Mar 2024 12:37

Point or Blade (FAFO Session 11)

by Douglass Foxglove

Back in Lester's room...
we are trying to decide what to do with the wire - we see a streaked a tiger like cat (meow) - Andi noticed first. A second ago it had a mouse in it's mouth, and now it's at the feet, like it forgot it liked mice. Stared at us for a few moments, and then it yawns, stretches, and goes to the sub basement.
"Come in, the great water lynx welcomes you"
He offers us ciggerellos - If you want to hide in the tunnels you may want to be quieter, and not breathe so loud.
We're all starting to sweat, but Lester looks comfy.
Lester says that there is a RAGE in him that he can not control, he is responsible for the deaths, and he is ashamed. Those who survive could become leaders themselves. Could you displace and continue this worship.
The sacrifices are more because the water is purer in the river - the sacrifices need to be more direct. The Water Lynx can not longer take minerals directly from the water.
Talk to Janice - while trying to figure out what is a neutral ground for a vampire.
Get Bruno and Lester to talk.