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Mon 18th Jul 2022 01:44

Session 4 7/17/2022

by Rowyn

We delve further into the cave (maze like) hear wet mac n cheese sound and a 'clunk-thunk' down different hallways. Aka sneaks foward and then stops sneaking and starts combat with a tentacle beast turtle thing. A zombie comes up behind us towards the end of the fight and we finish both enemies off. Zombie is wearing same suit as Aka but Aka pulls it off better. Suravi finds a ship key in his pocket and stores it for later consumption? Maize got bit and is infected. We convince him to seek medical aid but he will only oblige if we clear the cavern first. We follow a dripping sound to finish clearing and we find a crashed spaceship with black ooze dripping from it, causing the zombie shit. Rowyn shares what he knows about the black liquid.

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