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5th of Hearthfire, 156 (BG)

A Morning at the Imperium Citadel

by Eirik Brooke

I woke up earlier than usual, just before dawn breaks. Sitting up, my thoughts dwelled on my recent dreams. Dreams of the past, before I was saved by him.
Lost. Tired. Alone.
Screaming. Fire. Death.
I shake my head to clear these thoughts away. This wasn't new. These dreams have always been the same since I was saved by him.
That wasn't the time to be reminiscing. I quickly did my morning routine and exercises before going out my room. The morning breeze of Hearthfire greeted me. I saw garrison soldiers doing their morning drills, the allowed merchants setting up their shops, and travelers waiting outside the gate already. It seems like it's going to be another day at the Imperium Citadel.
I hurry down to the mess hall. A few of the soldiers and staff saluting me as I pass by. I return their greetings, but I wish they would address me in a less formal way. Entering the mess hall, I quickly go into the kitchen, grabbing my apron hanging from the wall rack.
"Ready for the breakfast round Eirik?", an elder woman's voice calls out where the brick-ovens are.
"More or less caretaker," I respond with a casual tone. Without another word, I wear my apron and wash my hands. It's time to get to cooking.
I started mixing the prepared ingredients, before kneading the dough. Letting that batch rest and rise for awhile, I prepared the other batch of ingredients. I did the steps again: mixing, kneading, letting it have its first rise. Then I went back to the first batch to shape them, afterwards I let it have its second rest, as I shaped the second batch. The Caretaker, as she calls herself, moved to grab the first batch that I shaped. I look back and see her put it into the brick oven. Beside the brick oven was her batch of bread, still smoking, but freshly baked. "Last batch is prepared, Caretaker", I called over to her. I simply see her nod without a word. Her eyes focused on the baking dough.
As the smell of freshly baked pan slowly takes over the kitchen, I also begin to hear the morning crowd entering the mess hall. At first it was just a few, soldiers and staff talking in hushed voices I could barely make out. Over time it grew louder and louder, as more people came in and wait for their food to be served. I took that as my cue to prepare and cook the eggs and bacon. It's no easy task to prepare, cook, and handle multiple pans for a normal person, but I'm the best cook this Citadel has ever have. Soon enough, I was cooking up a flavorful storm from simple bacon and eggs.
"Get back to your tables and settle down," a man's gruff voice rang out through the hall commandingly. I take a look over the serving counter and catch a glimpse of people scurrying away from it. As they clear the view, I realized that the hall suddenly went silent, and that Garrison Commander Hixus and Gideon Jura were standing at the doorway.
The whole room stood to attention and gave their salutes. Commander Hixus returned the salute, and said "At ease and return to your positions as soon as possible." He and Gideon walked in and sat on another table, and as soon as they sat down, the people there moved to another table. I caught a glimpse of Gideon's slight frown.
I focused back at my tasks and finished cooking and plating the food. The Caretaker and I began putting them on the serving counter. "Breakfast is ready! Remember to only get one plate for y'erself. Make sure to return 'em plates and utensils after," announces the Caretaker. Soon enough the people at the mess hall lined up, got their breakfast, went back, and ate. In no short time, the mess hall was noisy again with numerous people talking over each other.
"Looks like food's great again today Eirik. Keep it up!" a young cheerful male voice said to me. I look up and see Thomas 'Tom' Haydes. The young male human stood slightly shorter than me. He has short scruffy black hair with a youthful face. He's dressed in his dull purple inspector robes, it contrasts his beaming face right then. Though he is supposed to be around my age, he looks younger than most in the garrison. It doesn't help that he has a rather small frame as well.
"Pretty much, and thanks Tom. Make sure to look forward to lunch and dinner then," I replied, returning the smile as well. As he grabbed his plate and returned to his table, I couldn't help but think about how it's been almost a year and a half that we entered service here. Though Tom, being a scholar under the Imperium, is more intelligent than I am is more versed in identifying many sorts of things really. I shook off those thoughts again as I returned to work.
"Are you okay Eirik?" asked Gideon Jura in a low tone. I looked at him.
Gideon Jura, or as he told me before, Kytheon Iora is a well built military man. A human male with a staunch build and is taller than most from his race. He wore his armor at almost all times. He had a square face and a strong chin, sporting a trimmed stubble beard without the moustache. He has long straight black hair that goes past his neck. A few distinct, but small battle scars adorn his face. The usual fierceness on his brown bright eyes was instead filled with concern as he asked me.
"Everything's fine with me Gideon. Don't worry, just the same old things," I replied nonchalantly, while trying to give him a, not-so-convincing, smile of reassurance. I see him open his mouth, as if to say something else, before closing it again and giving me a quick nod. With understanding in his eyes, he got his plate and returned to his table.
Gideon Jura is almost in the same position as me. I suppose that was how we quickly became friends after Commander Hixus, brought back here from somewhere outside Blackfyre. We sympathize with each other's past, but also agreed to not bring it up as much as possible.
"Eirik," Commander Hixus' voice brings me out of my thoughts. I salute and replied, "Commander." He returned the salute and told me to be at ease. The human in charge of the Imperium Citadel that borders the Free Cities in front of me right now always gives an intimidating aura. He has black graying long feed-in braided hair complimented with a fully closed beard. He also has a staunch build, second to Gideon's, and is taller than most people. His face is decorated with a variety of scars. He is donned in full imperium commandant armor and sword sheathed at the side, the commander only gave me brief nod of acknowledgement before receiving his food and returning to his table with Gideon. The man's aura simply screams veteran commander.
As the Caretaker and I began cleaning the kitchen, noise would die down soon as people would clean-up and exit the mess hall. Commander Hixus and Gideon were the first to finish and exit, while the rest soon followed. Once we finished cleaning, I immediately told the Caretaker that I would go and will return by lunch and dinner again.
Removing my apron, I head out and onto the the grounds, where the border check point was happening. Tom was currently assisting the garrison guards identify a small cylindrical object. While a long line was beginning to form behind the current travelers being inspected. As I walked pass and go further inside the citadel, I would catch a glimpse of Gideon Jura leading an arrest on some petty smugglers, while Commander Hixus would watch from his office balcony.
The Imperium Citadel bordering the Free Cities and Heyhill Trading Company was busy today as was yesterday and the day before. As the first bastion of the Imperium against any potential threats from the west, it is our job to uphold duty to be that first line of defense.
I paused for a moment, taking in the noise and the bustle of different people. I bring my left hand a bit higher to look at the brand at its back. The brand of the White-Scars.
If I want to repay my debts, and become a "hero of justice" like him. Then... I would do everything to do so and become one.
Eirik Brooke

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  1. A Morning at the Imperium Citadel
    5th of Hearthfire, 156 (BG)