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Mon 26th Jun 2023 03:36

The Journal Entry’s title

by To-Mas

My skills are as follows:
Inspire Aggression - (2 intellect points) Your words twist the mind of a character within short range who is able to understand you, unlocking their more primitive instincts. As a result, they gain an asset on their might-based attack roles for one minute. Action to initiate.
Babel - After hearing a language spoken for a few minutes you can speak it and make yourself understood. If you continue to use the language to interact with native speakers you improve rapidly, to the point that you may be confused as a native speaker after just a few hours of speaking the language. Enabler.
Danger Sense (1 Speed Point) - Your initiative task is eased. Each time it is used. Enabler.
Fast Talk (1 Intellect Point) - When speaking with a creature that can understand you and isn't hostile you can convince that creature to take one reasonable action in the next round. A reasonable action must be agreed upon by the DM. It should not put the creature or its allies in obvious danger or be wildly out of character. Action.
Robot Assistant: A level 2 robot of your size or smaller (built by you) accompanies you and follows your instructions. You and the GM must work out the details of your robot. You’ll probably make rolls for it when it takes actions. A robot assistant in combat usually doesn’t make separate attacks but helps with yours. On your action, if the artificial assistant is next to you, it serves as an asset for one attack you make on your turn. If the robot is destroyed, you can repair the original with a few days’ worth of tinkering, or build a new one with a week’s worth of half-time labor. Enabler.
Robot Builder - You are trained in tasks related to building and repairing robots. For the purposes of repair, you can use this skill to heal robots that use similar technology. Enabler
Dreamcraft (1 Intellect Point) - You pull an image from a dream into the waking world and place it somewhere within long range. The dream lasts for up to one minute, and it can be tiny or fill an area an immediate distance in diameter. Though it appears solid, the dream is intangible. The dream (a scene, a creature, or an object) is static unless you use your action each round to animate it. As part of that animation, you could move the dream up to a short distance each round, as long as it remains within long range. If you animate the dream, it can make sound but does not produce odor. Direct physical interaction or sustained interaction with the dream shatters it into dispersing mist. For example, attacking the dream shatters it, as does the strain of keeping up appearances when an NPC moves through a dream scene or engages a dream creature in conversation for more than a couple of rounds. Action to initiate; action to animate.

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  1. The Journal Entry’s title
  2. The Temple