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Wed 29th Sep 2021 03:52

Vincent Trench and A.P.

by Issechar Von Dauland

Vincent Trench calls upon you at Trollskull Manor during your downtime and explains what he has found about the owner of the object you gave him: a pewter ring engraved with the initials A.P. Based on the fact that you discovered the ring in Trollskull Manor, Trench believes this to be the ring of Alloria Palemarrow, a former owner of the inn.
Alloria is an extremely powerful dwarven mage who remains in the city to this day. She was once a member of the Magi of Karabor, but eventually retired and purchased Trollskull Manor from its previous owners. During a great attack on the city, however, she once again took up arms and was instrumental in pushing back the forces assailing Waterdeep. Following that incident, she sold the tavern to a group of shield dwarves and entered the employ of the Blackstaff, intent on continuing to protect the city in whatever way she could.
Alloria Palemarrow is also nicknamed "the Gargoyle," partially because of her stony nature, but also because some magical encounter long ago locked her face in a constant scowl.
This is more or less all of what Trench has been able to uncover, and he believes his job to be done, as discovering the owner of the ring was what you had tasked him with. He returns the ring to Issechar and returns to his apartment.