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Mon 5th Sep 2022 07:09

Toadroast Mudtongue of the Firescar Tribe

by Roast Mudtongue

Ssessilla's Den (The Vast Swamp)
588 CY

Is that it? Musth be. It loooks like what Shenassfil said it would. He is the lounge master of shiny sthings. You don't get to be so big woopy dee doo without knowing things. Even if you are the clan elder's first offspring.
Approaching the nest of finely pruned reeds, "Roast" reaches out for the speckled ovaloid, and gently slips it into his shoulder bag. Letting out an almost silent cheer, "Yesssss! I has the egg!"
Quickly, he exits the grass hut...
...only to find HER.
Why HER? Anyone else but HER.
"Yesth, Mae, you needs?"
Klysstine Maerwyn Xi furls her upper lip into the shape denoting uncertainty... and slight anger, "WHAT are you doing HERE, ROAST?"
"I, you see, lost my way home, and.."
With increasing disdain, she leans in, "Do not try, I know you are into something, or after something. What is it. Give it BACK." Her gaze finds its way to Roast's bulging shoulder pouch.
All 3 of his hearts pounding to the same beat, and about to erupt from his chest, "Eh. Here. Take it. I will find another."
Mae pauses a moment, and with a wry smile (for a lizardfolk), she whispers, "Keep it. Come with me."

Roast is from the Ixenmitne (Draconic for "Firescar") Tribe, known to be a bit of a bluetongue clan made up of hard-working Smallscales that are the backbone of (and oft times the stepping stones) of the more well-to-do tribes that inhabit the Vast Swamp, such as Mae's tribe, Ulhar Iri (Draconic for "Blue Ones").

The second hatchling of Snaketail Swiftwater, Roast has followed in his sire's clawsteps and taken up the family's riverboat shipping business. Frequently, an opportunity is presented to "fluff the glandsack," by getting paid for other transporting goods secretly.
....You know, snurfling. As when the dew on the morning pelt leaps to the tree sap as my hatchmaster would say.

Now I follow her. The Bluescalemaiden. If she tells I have taken the egg, I am in big swampratscat. I have my own egg now. I keep it, like father kept his.

Fire in the sky was a sign from the Breeder that change was coming. This was a relief to the smallscales for this meant that those scarred by the comet’s light would fulfill the need for laborers in the Swamp. The Firescar became the backbone of the Lizardfolk on which the maritime network of trade in the Swamp was built.


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  1. Toadroast Mudtongue of the Firescar Tribe