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Wed 9th Feb 2022 10:31

The Barbed Fields, on the way to Rosohna.

by Sivrit Juyibe

After an unexpected turn of events, we met with my partner, Fray. After escaping the danger with a carrion eater, which Cheerful managed to placate, we set up camp and began introductions. People seemed to take to her easily enough, but her speaking in Infernal seemed a bit off-putting to Jeanne.
After requesting the party come with her to attempt to purify a section of the Barbed Fields, a number of people seemed impressed by her ability, including Thazz, which was strange for him. However he said it was for Naviask, his patron, I'll look into it if I have time with Cheerful in Rosana: we have plans to visit a library.
Something else of note, Heidan has been unusually perceptive as of late, he seems to be humming and hawing to himself more often nowadays. It's served him well so far, hopefully that continues.
Regardless, the post combat report:
Our foes' leaders: two Quells, one eliminated, another escaped into the Ethereal Plane. The Quells are incorporeal creatures that are able to hover and fly without complication, completely immune to all nonmagical attacks, resistant to attacks from magical weapons, and cruelly intelligent: able to tame and deploy carrion eaters. They have a hatred for the divine, and can disrupt those with a divine connection through an ability referred to as 'intercession'. They also have a relatively large radius of at least 30 feet where their mere presence can disrupt attempts at casting a spell.
However, they are not infallible: they were prone to our illusions, and completely unable to see through it, though that did not seem to prevent their attempts at intercession.
The pack of carrion eaters they used like hound dogs, sniffing out their prey, and giving commands somehow, however, none were given during combat. The carrion eaters, though dangerous in numbers, were able to be easily neutralized by Heidan's Sleep spell.
The combat went relatively smoothly, with use getting the high ground, delaying the oncoming pack, and disguising ourselves successfully with the Silent Image Jeanne erected. One Carrion Eater captured, One Quell escaped, all other foes dispatched.
We will be going to the source of these creatures with Fray, and attempting to permanently cleanse the site that these creatures spawned from.
However Fray said something troubling:
"Those (Quell) were the small ones."

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  1. Maw Codenames
  2. The Barbed Fields, on the way to Rosohna.