10th of Ches 1489

Matthias Dawnheart

by Sir Matthias Dawnheart

You follow the path of righteousness,
and everyone knows it. Your family
built chapels to the gods of light and life
throughout their lands, and you spread
the good word as you travel.
You move in the highest circles of the
ruling classes and among the simple
folk, bringing salvation wherever you
go. You vigorously proclaim the virtues
of an honorable life, though sometimes
your audience doesn’t seem to share your
enthusiasm. But you’re no stick-in-the-
mud, and you enjoy the worldly rewards
for a job well done.
Background (Noble)
You were born the eighth child of a minor
noble family. You are accustomed to
privilege and the comforts that come with
it, but recognizing that you will never
inherit, you set out as a youth to find
your own path.

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  1. Matthias Dawnheart
    10th of Ches 1489