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Wed 18th May 2022 03:50

Session highlights - 05/17/22

by Kaeden Maltheris

We met with Hubert the leader of the adventurer's guild here in Daggerford. We received our reward of 1,200g for completing our mission and 10,000g for completing the quest for the group we found dead. We met with the Cleric here at the Chauntea Temple who might be able to lift the curse on Goran's axe in a ritual and will need 4 of us to help him.
Everyone here seems a bit off.... keep talking about how people go with the guards and then disappear. There is also no faction in charge here - it was mentioned that a council runs the city (doesn't seem like we were supposed to know this as outsiders).
Softpaw stole a fancy dagger while in the armor shop and turned into a cat and left.. guards came, searched us, but didn't find the dagger - shop keeper was not happy with us.. should probably get out of town ASAP.
Found some nice Citrine at the shop.. but no haggling so only bought 1.. not worth 100g to get only 2.