SLKDfjaosdjfoia;sodif by Zsoana | World Anvil

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Sat 23rd Nov 2019 10:43


by Zsoana Esashia

FUck this... I just wrote an entire entry post for the last twenty minutes and it just got deleted. OKay COol. Basically my feelings are I want to help Belle out, what is going on between Damiel and Raimaia (I'm rooting for you guys), and also AllCrims night was kind of a disaster, but also what a cool event. I hope I can participate in the future. This post is a lot less elegant than the one I was writing, but obviously Apep, being who they are decided I didn't need to write a journal entry, so there's that. Anyways, now that I'm fuming, I'm gonna go take a nap.
Until next time,
Zsoana the very pissed off snek

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