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Mon 12th Dec 2022 01:31

Chapter 1: The Great Cataclysm

by Asmodeus Red

Rend the Heavens apart again, Burn down the first 8 Hells! Let Asmodeus torture a million souls and sacrifice them to the pits. The prophet is dead!
He was taken by the vile treachery of our enemies. His soul removed with his brain. If only I, Brother Red, had hastened quicker to his side. The horses that were ridden to death were ridden without enough authority, the scum I dispatched not done judiciously enough or the food I had procured too selective from the rucksacks of the scum. With my failure, Asmodeus must be surely angered and I will properly atone.
When the prophet's sacred band of followers appeared holding his body I was wrenched with torment. It was a fraction of his previous retinue with only the mighty Antwan, the ensnaring Vesperra and the murderous Aeldred there. I assume the rest of the followers were either dead or still stuck below in the temple trying to atone for their failure in protecting Avon. The party entrusted me with the great responsibility of the body of the prophet as well as his belongings. With the body in my possession, Antwan in an act surely given by the will of Asmodeus, pierced the prophet and my hands letting his blood flow through me.
The power that Asmodeus has bestowed on me! He must truly see the penance in my heart and have selected me to enact fiendish judgement on all enemies of the Church. I grew a finger of the prophet on my left hand signaling his will and then with a burning pain, across the entirety of my body appeared hundreds of scars, surely the map of the injuries I must inflict upon myself in the future due to my failures. I do feel though the murderous intent of the prince of the ninth hell inside me and will use it to advantage against multiple enemies and frighten them with my presence.
I then took the body of the prophet to the Holy City of Deostock. The party followed with the great gift of Asmodeus: the Lens of Avon, which can peer into the first levels of hell. With the bringing of the Lens and the loss of the prophet, I ensured our people were ready to start upon the great mandate of the Lord. The subjugation of the world begins now, It was with great joy that I personally was able to separate the head of the Bahamation false priest with the great gauntlets bequeathed by the Tyrant and his holy symbol. We have executed the schemer Bahamut's sycophants and liberated their treasures and temples. We buried the prophet properly in a looted and defiled grave as he would have wished.
In the following days, the party of the prophet took control of the city and followed Asmodeus' tenants in a way only true believers can, with an iron fist and no room for compassion. Kicking people out of homes, bribing officials and establishing the secret police of the future. The only one appearing to go against this obvious Will of the Tyrant was Aeldred but we trust that he is being directed in ways we not yet understand.
Now as head of the clergy of the town, controlling 6 of the 8 votes myself and the others in the hands of Vesperra with some of the faithful seeing her a true mouthpiece of hell, mainly due to the ever lingering scent of the grave that sticks to her. We shall use this Holy City as a jumping off point, to control this kingdom, find the Library that brought forth the prophet and use its power to subjugate this entire plane of existence.

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  1. Chapter 1: The Great Cataclysm
  2. The Gospel of Myfree