8th of Moonshadow, 1694 AE


by James Rainstorm

• When I was a child, my siblings, and I enjoyed going to the [Myrlwood forest], to explore and watch all the creatures. During one adventure we saw a strange-looking creature, all of us ran away and I tripped over, the creature slowly approached me and then I passed out. When I awoke I felt normal and noticed nothing different and didn't even know if what I saw was real but when I arrived back to the [Grydal Village], the villagers were staring at me; I ran home to find my hair had changed colour to pure white and my skin had lightened.
• After this event, my life changed forever, the whole village started becoming distant towards me and my family, they believed I was cursed. It got to a point when the villagers wanted to get rid of me, my family slowly distanced themselves from me, I couldn't play any games with most of my siblings, I could tell that they were scared or hated me. My parents became distant and avoided me.
• The only sibling that trusted/believed in me was my baby sister (But knowing my luck when she grows up she will learn to hate me), we used to play games and explore around the village making hideouts; She is my only light.

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    8th of Moonshadow, 1694 AE
    6th of Mistveil, 1708 AE