Sewers by Kalshana | World Anvil

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14th Eyre, 998 YK


by Kalshana

spotless and clean
yet the stench of decay
lingers still.
paths travelled only
by refuse and desperate
escaping the ooze.
thin spiderlike pipes
connect everywhere,
feeding it.
Many places to
hide and hide and hide
from all unseen.
this is the end of so
much life in Sharn
ferried away
into water,
into rivers,
into oozes,
into the dark.

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  1. On the Shores
    3rd of Aryth, 997 YK
  2. Birds
    3rd of Aryth, 997 YK
  3. What
    10th of Aryth, 997 YK
  4. Pursued
    17th of Aryth 997 YK
  5. The Split
    Aryth, 997 YK
  6. Warden
    Aryth, 997 YK
  7. The Refugees
    3rd Zarantyr, 998 YK
  8. Blue Hoods
    20th Olarune, 998 YK,
  9. Growth
    23rd Olarune, 998 YK,
  10. Supplies
    25th Olarune, 998 YK,
  11. Beasts
    10th of Therendor, 998 YK.
  12. Is Cyre Good?
    10th of Therendor, 998 YK.
  13. The Road
    17th of Therendor, 998 YK.
  14. Klemens and Gold
    24th of Therendor, 998 YK.
  15. Wroat
    8th Eyre, 998YK
  16. They're A Menace, Frankly
    8th Eyre, 998YK
  17. King's Table
    9th Eyre, 998 YK
  18. Emotions
    9th Eyre, 998 YK
  19. Towers
    10th Eyre, 998YK
  20. Something Is Rotten in Sharn
    10th Eyre, 998 YK
  21. Magmin
    11th of Eyre, 998 YK
  22. Labour and Freedom
    11th Eyre, 998YK
  23. Tunnels
    11th Eyre, 998YK
  24. Academic
    11th Eyre, 998YK
  25. Shamukaar
    12th Eyre, 998YK
  26. This Drink Tastes Weird
    12th Eyre, 998YK
  27. Pain
    13th of Eyre, 998 YK
  28. Not Ideal
    13th Eyre, 998YK
  29. Homesickness
    13th of Eyre, 998 YK
  30. Gathering Light
    13th Eyre, 998YK
  31. Lakashtai
    13th of Eyre, 998 YK
  32. Nightmares
    13th Eyre, 998 YK
  33. Gnome Hospitality
    14th Eyre, 998 YK
  34. Her.
    14th Eyre, 998 YK
  35. Terel Is A Total Bastard
    14th Eyre, 998 YK
  36. Sewers
    14th Eyre, 998 YK
  37. The Flayed Man and The Flayed Mind
    14th Eyre, 998 YK
  38. Silence
    14th Eyre, 998 YK
  39. Books
    14th Eyre, 998 YK
  40. Fv doha aol mbjr?
    14th Eyre, 998 YK
  41. No.
    14th Eyre, 998 YK
  42. The Bonds That Tie
    15th Eyre, 998K
  43. Shatter
    15th Eyre, 998 YK
  44. Trudge
    20th Eyre, 998YK
  45. Mountains
    21st Eyre 998 YK
  46. Tunnels...Again...
    22nd Eyre 998 YK
  47. Melody On Water
    22nd Eyre 998 YK
  48. Why Are My Friends Acting So Poorly?
    14th Nymm, 998YK
  49. Dah'mir
    14th Nymm, 998YK
  51. Dah'mir
  52. Fiery
  53. Lightning on Water
  54. Elegy for Tetkashtai
    14th Nymm, 998 YK
  55. Regrets Inexplicable
    14th Nymm, 998 YK
  56. With Many Hitches, Actually
    17th Sypheros, 999 YK
  57. Night In Sharn
    17th Sypheros, 999 YK