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Sun 14th Aug 2022 02:27

The Mighty Stag- The place where adventure begins

by Megara (Meg)

It was a cool spring day . The wind was refreshing and the sky was a majestic blue. I recently decided that it was time for me once again to go out traveling for a bit and found myself heading to the cit of Lamorra. I was almost to the point that I was going to stop for the day when I realized that I didn't have that much further to go, so I kept going so that I would actually be able to spend an evening in a nice bed after all this time on the road. Little did I know when I pushed forward I would wind up being witness to two deaths and thievery.
When I got to town I found myself heading toward the Mighty Stag. While the name sounds powerful and full of potential, when I entered the tavern if looked peaceful and quiet, nothing like I was expecting. Oh well, I guess this will do. I was hungry and thirsty and needed food now. I sat down next to the bar and order some hot corn chowder and a cold glass of lemonade. As I was eating I noticed an elderly halfling woman walking around talking to all the patrons. She was hard to miss, dressed in all pink from head to toe and talking flirtatiously with all the guest. My guess is she owns this place. I continue happily eating and drinking my meal when sure enough she comes over and starts up a conversation with me. Well if you can call what she did a conversation. She told me her name was Maggie and asked if I was here to see the entertainers that she had playing that night and before I could even answer her question or tell her my name she was gone and onto the next patron.
I glanced around and noticed that Maggie had stopped to talk to the blue boy at another table. Either she knows him already or she just likes to spend more time with her male customers that her female ones. Oh well, such is life. She then made her way over to a table with two people quietly eat and drinking together. They must be traveling together, they seem to already know each other. The guy at the table seems to be asking for something special. Maybe he is distantly related to the cheerful lady. Nah, not all halflings are related, got to stop doing that. I am not related to all elves, some of them are pretty stuck up. Suddenly the entertainers came into the building to start setting up. The band consisted of a Beautiful Elven woman, the lady Maggie said she has an absolutely beautiful voice, but she is also carrying the most unusual Lyre. It looks as though runes have been burned into the wood portion. It is quite pretty. The rest of the group consisted of 2 halfing women and a burly human man playing the drums.
After they set up and started playing I realzied Maggie was corrrect, the elven maiden had a beautiful voice. Everyone was watching her so intently they almost seemed to be falling asleep to her sweet voice. As I looked around I realized they were either sound asleep or could take their eyes off her. All but 2 other patrons that I notice Maggie talking to earlier. They seemed as confused as i was as to why everyone else seemed to be falling asleep. All of sudden the Halfing stood up and yelled at the two halfling women . They all of a sudden got really nervous and returned to the stage. They quickly left after they finished their song . All this hype for one song, what a rip off. Speaking of which that seems to be exactly what they had been doing afterall. The Halfling had noticed the 2 halfling band mate taking things from the other patrons that were asleep. Then all of a sudden we noticed that 2 men had fallen over dead. One was a human and the other was either an elf or a half-elf, apparently it is too hard for anyone to actually be able to tell the difference. The nice hafling went and check on the two men that had fallen over and confirmed they were indeed dead as a doornail.
Once things started calming down I saw the blue guy talk to Maggie. He was whispering things to her and looking around at everyone. I wonder if he is some kind of guardsman, he seems to know all the right questions to ask. All the patrons seemed to be looking at us kind of funny, like we were odd or something because we traveled around. I know that people don't get out much and stay pretty close to home but seriously people it isn't a crime to travel. I was starting to get a little annoyed all these judgy people. I tried doing what my mama told me. When I start getting mad or upset focus on my anklet that it will help to center me and calm me down. Luckily it seems to be working. I don't want to call even more attention to myself whent some people just fell over dead for no apparent reason.
All of sudden the blue guy gathers together the nice halfling man, the pretty emerald dragon and myself and lets us know that he just accepted a job for all of us to work together to find out who did this and who these thieving minstrals are. I personally am pretty curious and would like to find out what happen so I said I would help as much as I could. I am trying to turn over a new leaf and be more helpful and less well..........Angry and destructive.
After we all agreed to try to find this band of mischeivious minstrals we took some time to talk to the tavern owner Maggie and see if we could get anything useful from her. It seems she heard about this group for a traveling bard that came into her tavern to play one night. Maggie seems like a very sweet lady, trying to give struggling artist a place to perform. This bard was a handsome elf with long straight hair pulled back in a ponytail, we are assuming he is an elf because he had pointy ears. She didn't remember seeing any hair on his face that may indicate that he was a half-elf but we are still not ruling that option out. He left about 4 days ago heading to the Elven Capitol.
There was a girl that lives near the town that we could go and talk to that may remember the bard. She is the daughter of noble that is looking to by the land and Maggie's tavern so that he could develop the area. She is hard to miss. She is a beautiful elven maiden with long white hair and icy blue eyes. She is always dressed in beautiful gowns, unfortunately Maggie said she is not very bright or at least not a very good negotiator. She never keeps track of the offers that she makes for the tavern.
After talking to Maggie for a while and getting as much information as we could from her we walked down to the docks to go to yet another tavern, the Eagle and Steed. This tavern looks like it may have some possiblities. A little more rough and tumble than the Mighty Stag. This town must have a thing for horses. The stag, the steed, eh go figure. Bay, that is the blue guys name, went to the bar and got us 3 ales and a glass of water. Apparently feeding the dragon alcohol will do something bad to her burps. I will need to remember that, could be a good fighting technique is we get into a real bind and need a distraction to get away. Bay keeps putting money on the bar, I wonder why, I don't think these drinks are worth all those gold he keeps putting on the bar, they taste like water. Oh no, the bartender is starting to look annoyed. Blue guy just came back to the table and looks a litttle worried. He said we will either get some information or we will be swimming with the fishes. As I was getting ready to go see if I could get a drink that actually tastes like something an elf strolls up to our table and sits down...

Continue reading...

  1. The Mighty Stag- The place where adventure begins
  2. Death at the Casino
    Megara (Meg)