The life and loves of Jacques Beuvron by Jacques | World Anvil

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Sun 4th Aug 2019 04:22

The life and loves of Jacques Beuvron

by Jacques Beuvron

One hot summer night, after the Druid Circle services to the full moon, Lietto and I were walking to a local tavern we frequented. As we passed my home, we heard singing from my family’s garden. We stopped to investigate.
A fae trader, known as Fahleas Zinyarus, was visiting my father with his two daughters (twins) illuraneas and Shalaevar (illura and Shala). They were all relaxing in the family garden, the girls were singing to each other. My father asked us to keep the fae girls company, while he spoke business with Fahleas inside. The two fathers left us with the beautiful and intriguing Fae daughters.
So, Lietto and I danced and sung with the girls in the garden. As these things happen, Lietto hooked up with illura and I with Shala and we ended up skinny dipping in the river under the full moon, amongst other things.
Things went well with Shala for a while, but then her true nature asserted itself and she unfortunately was flighty, mischievous and a bit crazy and she left me to be with Lorenzo Cavalcante. I tried to warn Lorenzo, but Shala overheard my words and so now she dislikes me intensely. Not long after my warning Lorenzo broke it off with her. Shala still wants him and blames me for them splitting up.
Being the young man that I am, I have unfortunately broken a few hearts. I had a quick fling with one Simona Estelker. She thought it was the start of something long term, but I was too young and left her a Gilted lover. She was waiting for me to turn up and take her away. Instead, without telling her, I left on the Le Tigra with my mother for a three month tour as a ship’s Marine. It was on this trip that I met my current lover.
When I returned, and I said I no longer had true feelings for her, she told me in no uncertain terms of her anger at my seeming betrayal of her love. She went as far as to send her big brother Vincenzo to rough me up, but he was more reasonable. I apologised and let him give me a black eye so she could see that something was done for her honour and we went and had an ale or three.
Currently I have been seeing Nushala Sybella Eldover, an elven druid from the Elvish River Kingdom. She is currently studying with the Druidic Circle. I met her when I had travelled on Le Tigra to Sorrelle Letre. We had shared good times in Sorrelle letre, but I am unsure if she followed me back here to Firenze or it was coincidence that she turned up. We got reacquainted when I attended a Druid circle ceremony and was surprised to see her there. It has been six months of bliss so far.

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  1. My Family
  2. The life and loves of Jacques Beuvron