Hello diary, I haven't written in a while, I was soo buzy.
Congrats to me!
I officially made it to be a druid. I can still improve upon a lot, but I can now change into multiple animals a few times a day. I still think it's sooo cool. I got to make my own focus, I used some of whitey's fur (sorry whitey) to braid a bracelet that I now use. I think it looks pretty neat.
Jaris and Devin also got their focus.
The only odd one out was Yvon. I feel sorry for him. He just doesn't have the feeling you know.
I tried to help him (also so I could be closer to him), but I guess he's just not cut to be a druid.
But I'm sure he can make for a great father. Maybe I can find something we can do together.