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Fri 21st Oct 2022 05:53

A temple and mountains

by Paulet Arta-aki

After our conversation with the myconids reached a dead end a fight ensued. It was clear that they were the ones knowingly responsible for the chaos and disappearance of the gods. During the scuffle, we encountered more than one myconid who'd made a pact with a fiend and had access to their sinister abilities. It is fascinating how such a generally overlooked species has such impressive capabilities.
The enemies were dangerous and numerous enough that I felt using the few heaven-sent spells I poses was needed. The heavenly beast seemed especially effective against those with a connection to the fiends.
It took us a while to reach what was once a temple of magic if I understand mister Gimdalf correctly. This is where we encoutered an ominous ritual performed by incorporeal fiends and the myconids bound to them. It was difficult to figure out how to disrupt the ritual.
On one hand there were several capable myconids on guard. The ritual itself tended to send out destructive lightning as well, which made it difficult to stay close.
then there was also the fact that the incorporeal fiends would shield their corporeal allies from our attacks and our normal attacks had little influence on them. It also seemed that every time we landed a successful blow more fiends would appear.
We weren't without success though. Our early attempts might not have done much to disrupt the ritual but they did free some of the creatures that had been trapped by it. Eventually, I figured out, the others might have realised earlier but it was a bit chaotic, that the only real thing that had the desired effect on the ritual was holy (radiant) energy. By the time I fully realised this I had enough fight left for one big spell and that was enough. I summoned the largest heavenly beast I could muster and sent it right into the heart of the ritual. It was quite successful as a flash of bright light decimated our opponents.
However, I doubt the light flash was a direct result of my spell as when the dust cleared a strange-looking blue lady was standing at the centre. She was apparently the goddess of magic.
Mister Gimdalf had a lot of questions for her. Many of which were answered. She wanted to do us a favour for freeing her and solving a mess for them. Mister Gimdalf requested to become the future guardian of the temple so a similar incident wouldn't happen again though he mostly wanted to use it as a quiet place of study.
I myself wasn't sure what to ask for and mister Macca Ni intended to use his favour to give the drow head by his side a new body. The lady appreciated this selfless act enough to grant him another favour upon which he encountered the same problem as I did. She agreed that we could call her for a favour later.
When we returned to the surface for a well-deserved rest, Akta seemed surprised and relieved. Apparently, there had been a strong earthquake following the end of the ritual. The drow collapsed right after having a good meal and slept right until morning.
With a short discussion it was decided that Akta and the drow would become travelling buddies to explore the world they had been isolated from for so long. Akta was even kind enough to drop us off on the north side of the Eyaw empire where the three of us wanted to go.
I must admit that I wanted to go home primarily because I'd gotten sidetracked so much that I forgot where I was supposed to go to find Baritákè. Luckily the Gentlemen didn't seem to have any other plans. Besides, I think they could use a few calm days.