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6th of Cyclodiant


by Princess Gaye Echo

After a long journey across the Everkingdom countryside, I elected to head into the city of Han'jiin, that I may follow up on a request to appear and work towards obtaining the Veil of Memory. A man by the name of Master Lao Wen offered to sponsor my stay in the city, even knowingly allowing me to seek the artifact. Though his intentions seem unclear in their entirety, I hope to trust him that I may obtain the Veil and keep it out of the hands of the Darkness. This, however, is not the reason I write today. It is instead the surprising appearance of some of my occasional travel companions that compels me to document the occasion. They seem well, eating enough so as to not be too sickly looking, and none seemed worse for wear. This is obviously a cause for celebration, especially as it means I may well not being going at this alone. I am confident in my abilities, but more trusted people along will assist in making sure all runs smoothly.
Pandora has offered to make us food before we head to the markets, due to her desire to clothe us in the finest silks. I'm not entirely sure why, as my outfit is well tailored, but perhaps this is how Kitsune show their affection. As such, I will oblige her. As for the food, she seems to have run into a bit of a difficult time being allowed in the kitchen, and I fear her pride may be hurt.

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    6th of Cyclodiant