Dinner with the Order by Ginger | World Anvil

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Sat 15th May 2021 08:34

Dinner with the Order

by Fire of the Seas Ginger Keanu

We met a child pope, people saved kids from a orphanage, daro and Elgar got rewarded and daro got special weapons, I got lady's clothes, we were invited to join the Order of the Shield at a private dinner with them. The quickling, who set the orphanage on fire and let the animals loose in the market, ends up being captured by the party and we bring him with us to the dinner. A special guest has arrived to the dinner.
Then the Order invites us to join their ranks. Elgar says he will join. Then Shelly says "you son of a bitch" I'm in. Then I say "you son of a bitch I'm in." We become initiates in the order. We get congratulations, etc. Our friend Amon Stonevalor is very happy we joined and we have a fantastic feast. We are welcome to use their facilities whenever we want.
It seems like a lot of the Order of the Shield members are impoverished. All the shields are painted white. Some very well equipped, others not so much. Looks like a couple vigilantes in the lot. Lord Protector Nicolas looks the nicest. Some beautiful armor.
I gaunt man in his late 20s, early 30s, a human enters the party. The lord says "we'd been waiting for you!" He's followed by a party. His own shield is painted white. He greets the lord protector, speaks with him, and then comes over.
He introduces himself as Lord Bastion Dragonoff. He's a protector of the roads of redmond. He's been a part of the order for 10ish years, searching and defending the people as they need it. He's searching for the shield.
Rose has met Gavin, the son of the lord. He became friends and then tries to go home alone. The meanlocks try to attack him but I double back from the group when I remember that Roselynn has been having problems with them. The rest of the group follows me back when they think better of it. We save Rose from the fuckers and go back to the inn.

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