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Tue 13th Sep 2022 08:32

On the Road Again

by Deakin Walinski

Okes, so heres we are walking down the road (with patches such a good horsie). when allves of a sudden we're at ....Crapist, Kreckie ... Krezk! Yeah, Krezk! Anyways, we get there and between Twiddle Dee , Twiddle Dumb and Mr. I'm to Old for this Shit, we're not allowed in. Now I figure, oh like the club, you gotta give a little something, something to the man outside to get in. I was wrong.
So now we are going to get booze, how, why, I don't know, why are you asking me? I feel like that is a William question ... Yeah ... All I know is that I hope that poor grandpa gets over to Wallatki asap to be with his family. Also I really hope he doesn't have like a really thorough book keeping system for his wine. stupid questions especially when booze are involved.

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  1. On the Road Again
  2. Oh Look Grandma's Back