In my latest outing, in the Giant Oak, our party encountered an odd bunch. These furbearing Goat-men offered us a great many kindness and accommodation before our party managed to degrade their the pleasantries. During the skuffle, one member , Grayson, took a knife to the face and managed to sluff his mortal coil. I offered my assistance, although I doubt they would have liked the outcome. Once the caster Salazar used his, quite delightful, wand of cold and froze said Goat-men solid, we found their treasure chest. In said chest was odds and ends, gold, and a curious tomb. This tomb is clad in sheep's skin and full of magical text. It's an understatement to say that I was intrigued, so I told the caster that I can learn to read the text in the curious tomb and to my surprise he handed the book over. I'm overwhelmed with curiosity... Once I learn to read magic, who knows what tantalizing new additions to my abilities could be had. I feel like every new spell gets me one step closer to my goal, and Valsharoon, one day, may grant me the boon of undeath.
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