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Fri 18th Sep 2020 02:41

Session 3

by Martin Anon

Session 3
Found a dead knight, Dubin Rarnohu of House Rhosyn, loaded with gear, awesome long sword and black chain mail, letter of leave (tamprered) and signet rign of house Rhosyn. He was coming back from a "leave 348 days" on the 'eve' of the Blood Moon.. wonder if its connected? I have the awesome blade
Encountered a cliff that we had to climb down then found a young lady and a traveler exchanging "lip service" with each other and blue light was noticed. We attacked her. We were able to talk with Katrine.
Her and Cathnon were supposed to met a creature attacked them. It was a giant worm that took him left her. She knows what the entity has done. "Appears" to have left the girls body. Traveling back to the horses we searched for this "wurm" which is seperate creature. We made it to the town. She drew a dick pic once we arrived.
Shalla Reel is a "Healer" that we are taking the half dead traveler.

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