A New Friend and Mysteries Abound by Jordis | World Anvil

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Tue 8th Jun 2021 01:46

A New Friend and Mysteries Abound

by Jordis Drianska

Well, after the attack in the night a few members of the expedition were looking a bit dour but for the most part the dwarves were reasonably upbeat enjoying the food and drink. A dwarf, separate from the expedition, entered and came to join us I think we may end up being good friends he insists on being called Khagmadog but I think eventually I can work him down to Khaggy. A bit unsure of where our expedition was next headed we awaited word from Goswin, eventually telling us we'd split up and search for any signs of the druid or at least Khuldahar where they were.
With a brief exploration of the town in an attempt to return the items found in the night we met a few interesting people and a somewhat jumpy halfling. The barber seemed nice he patched up Mores from the night before quite well and on the cheap as well, we may need to revisit him in future so perhaps a little extra gold would help our relationship there I'll mention it to the others. Experimentally I tried on the boots from the night before and got a warm feeling I expect these may be better used by somebody else as the colds never been much of an issue for me but will use them for a time. The jumpy halfling as it turns out was named Forgrim I guess he's an assistant of Keremor our supposed lead on the druid who was unfortunately away. It was at this point we opted to do a little hunting of that necromancer and started to track it out into the woods. Ezekial proved himself a reasonable tracker and caught the trail fairly quickly unfortunately for us ending in a river, we doubled back and hunted a bit more then found ourselves at a camp with a map but decided it wasn't worth investigating just yet, so we headed back for Ironlight.
Arriving around midday there was quite a gathering at the barracks of angry villagers looking for answers as to why the mines were not properly protected after they'd received a letter about a kobold attack seemingly from the same time as our own. Shortly after we learned the Magister had gone off for a few days hunt so we decided to investigate the mines ourselves which led us into a battle with some goblins. That's getting ahead of myself slightly we first discovered bodies a mix of human and kobold it appeared the humans were doing a reasonable job of defending themselves but were just overrun. Venturing further in to the mines we encountered some goblins attempting to break into a room(?) and had a battle with them. Ezekial once again proved valuable in this seemingly having a strong disdain for the creatures he slew many. This leads to some questions around why we received a letter about the kobold attack with no mention of goblins? Did they come separately? After? Always there? I must now sit and ponder while catching my breath, what an adventurous day hopefully the next hours will be peaceful.