The wizard sat at his desk, his back aching from sitting hunched over ancient texts for hours on end. His mouth parched, Erik reached out for the goblet beside him but instead of finding it, he knocked over the bottle of ink. He cursed under his breath, searching desperately for something to clean up the mess least it destroys his book. And then something strange happened. It was almost as if the book was a sponge soaking up the ink that spilled. “What…what’s this?” Erik muttered out loud and his eyes widened as he watched the text on the book shift and change. The addition of the ink made the writing in the book morph into something new. The passage he had read mere moments ago changed into something else. As old and ancient as the tomb was to begin with, this new writing looked even older. It appeared to Erik to be a language similar to his own, but more archaic. Some words he understood yet others not so much. He sat back down and studied it….
The next morning Aakscree knocked on Erik’s door. She had been the one picked to check on him. There was no answer. “Hello, Erik? Are you in there? Are…you, ok?” She could hear soft mutterings from behind the door. “Ok…I’m coming in.” Just as she opened the door, a flash of bright magical energy filled the room. She felt a surge of electricity run through her body and then it was over, and everything was black. Where was she?
A light began to form, and it seemed she was looking through her own eyes, but not in control of the body, but wait... It is not her body it seems. As she notices the familiar arm and robes of Erik "The Pale" whom she had only recently become acquainted with.
After several weeks the two magic users, one a druid and the other a wizard learn to better manage their "situation". Apparently, a new spell was miss casted upon Aakscree's interruption of the casting process and they were somehow made one creature. When Aakscree, or Erik are able to attain control of the body they are in their own body as the form changes in the flash of an eye. The best they and the wizards can figure is some strange combination of Aakscree's wild shape and Erik's conjuring magic has caused this. At this time no one truly understands the mechanics behind it, and they are seeking a remedy, but do not know what to do to fix the situation.