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22 Kythorn

The Backstory of Ungrol Bloodsworn

by Ungrol Hammerpants

Born in the year 1263, Ungrol is a dwarf that grew up in Mirabar as part of an influential and well respected dwarven family. In his youth he was taught by the greatest tutors his family could afford, trained by the best adventurers money could find. His life was one of luxury and without real hardship.
As he became older he became an experienced warrior, working tirelessly to defend the city and its assets, as well as his families. This garnered him great respect and riches as he expanded his influence in the city, eventually gaining ownership of his family’s mines. In the year 1357 he got married and together with his wife he enjoyed his life for a great many years.
In 1392 his wife gave birth to a baby girl, whom they named Eldroni after a famed ancestor, and for the next 8 years Ungrol couldn’t pass a day without thinking about how blessed he was.
However, in the shadows darkness stirred and people who were jealous of him started to plot against him. A month after his daughter’s 8th birthday Ungrol was called to his mines as there was a kobold infestation that he needed to resolve. Halfway there, he was intercepted by one of the plotters who decided that he could gain greater fortunes by turning on his co-conspirators.
This man told him that there was a plot underway to kill Ungrol’s family, pin it on him, and steal his riches. Ungrol turned around immediately and caught the plotters in the act, as they were gutting his wife.
He flew into a blind rage and stormed the attackes, killing them one by one. By the time he was done, he realized one had snuck away and he gave chase. He came across his daughter’s bedroom, door ajar, with the little girl missing.
By the time Ungrol was done searching the compound, the abductor was long gone. He swore a blood oath then and there to find the abductor to kill him and return his little girl to her rightful place. He gave control of the mines to his favourite cousin and he set upon his path.
It is the year 1412. After twenty long years Ungrol finally tracked the abductor to Waterdeep.
After Arriving in Waterdeep he searched around the city by himself, before inevitably realizing he needed contacts and a base of operations if he wished to find his daughter. He used the money he had with him, combined with the money he received from selling some of his equipment to buy a house opposite a well-travelled and famous inn, the Yawning portal. Where he would spend his days off talking to people and making friends amongst the inhabitants of the city.
Ungrol spent the next 80 years in Waterdeep tracking down clues to the abductor, having never learned more than that the man was a dwarf from Mirabar that had arrived here in the year 1410. In the year 1415, after making a bit of a name for himself in the city independently hunting bounties, he got recruited by the Force grey, or the Gray hand as they are also known. The wage he received as a member was supplemented by the money he periodically received from the cousin that was now managing the family mines in his absence, money which he promptly spend trying to find more information to find his daughter.
Eventually Ungrol also started dabbling in making his own booze, which he sold on occasion to people he knows in the city of Waterdeep, which he affectionally called Blood Ale.
During the first 40 years in the city, Ungrol earned himself a well respected name, and a decent rank within the Force Grey. As time continued however, Ungrol started slowly giving up. He drank more, he trained less and started losing his skills, slowly but surely.
After 80 years in the city, Ungrol was a broken husk, a mere shell of his former self. A once proud warrior had denigrated into a small time bounty hunter, who rather than relying on skill used his anger to blunt him to the pain. And anger was something he would never run out of. Anger at the abductor, anger at himself for failing his quest and failing his family, anger at the world for allowing this grave misfortune to fall upon him.
But then an unexpected thing happened. His young cousin, whom he had read about but once in a single letter, stood in front of his door, having been send away from his home of the Citadel, in the far away continent of Amuria, and something in Ungrol changed. Standing in front of this young man, he decided he would start trying again, to regain his former skills, or at least abilities equal to those he lost over the years to be a good example.
Four weeks later he once again got a large sum of money from his cousin, and this year, he decided to try a new approach. For his 229th birthday, the 80th he would spend in Waterdeep he decided to throw a large party in the Yawning portal and try and get as much information as he could, realizing that he was going to need to really shake up the city if he ever wished to find his daughter.

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  1. The Backstory of Ungrol Bloodsworn
    22 Kythorn