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Sun 13th Nov 2022 11:57

Hector Diamantes

by Hector Diamantes

1. Where were they born?
The slums of Greenforthe
2. Who are their parents?
Julio Juarez Diamantes and Suzie Que Diamantes
3. Are they Alive / What happened to them.
Julio is deceased, died early in Hector's life and was primarily raised by his mother Suzie. Suzie works as a waitress at a local bar.
4. Describe your childhood home.
A single shack with no running water, it would make you think of a tool shed in someone's backyard.
5. What was your character doing before they joined the party/Project Paragon.
Worked under the Yellow Lord as a body guard, he was given a firearm as his service weapon that turned out to be cursed. He was assigned a task to retrieve a vial that was stolen by the thieves guild. Being a man with a code he flipped a coin to see if he would let the thieves escape. They were very lucky and two of them were not pursed. He failed his mission and was set to be killed to be silenced.
6. Why did they leave it?
They were trying to kill him
7. What and who did they leave behind?
Hector leaves behind his mother
8. If you could go back and change one decision you made in the past, what would you change?
Hector would have used a rigged coin to make sure no one gets away.

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  1. Hector Diamantes