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19th of Lonce, 858 Uaren

An Old Journal Entry

by The Disillusioned Scholar Kazek Korhonen Kore Whedlen

I thought I was merely dreaming the night before. That I had exhausted myself to the point my mind had induced delusions and visions to keep me sane at night. Apparently, I was not.
Last night, whilst studying over the documents handed to me by the Academy, I heard a rustle amongst the books. I ignored it once, twice, then by the third time, I had finally turned around. Nothing was behind me, not a creature in sight. But the moment I turned around, I was greeted by a strange figure. I swear I almost tipped right over and bashed my skull against the hardbound covers of books.
The strange figure was a woman of short stature, her skin was pale in color and she hid behind a veil of black. My memory remains blurry but if one thing I could clearly see through the fog of forgetfulness, it was that she had the most piercing eyes. Golden eyes stared back at me from the darkness, like a predator staring down at its soon to be meal.
Louki. That was her name. She revealed herself as a so called "wish granting nymph" and an affiliate of the court of the earth god from centuries back, so far not even I would know of it. I find it quite difficult to believe. First of all, the members of the court of the earth god have all since perished. Especially after the fall of the earth god. Secondly, I had not touched a single document that stated of a "wish granting nymph". Nymphs, sure. But one that had the power to grant wishes, not even a drabble. If one were to have been in existence, especially one of such power, it would have been spoken about at least once, would it not?
I believe we did share a conversation sometime in the night, but I can hardly remember its contents. I do remember an inkling of a feeling that if I had just gone to sleep, then the delusion would stop. And so I slept. The delusion however did not in fact stop. I woke up and there the woman was. Near my desk, ruining my organized pile of documents and references. You know, for a creature who claims to be hundreds of years old, she doesn't seem to possess much intellect. I am starting to doubt if she can even read.
By the gods, I may already have lost it. I haven't even had my morning cup of caffeine. I should probably continue this entry once I have had it. And after I interrogate this random creature that's sitting atop my desk without a care in the world.
Kazek Korhonen Whedlen

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  1. An Old Journal Entry
    19th of Lonce, 858 Uaren
  2. 21-5-861
    21st of Dam, 861 Uaren
  3. 22-5-861
    22nd of Dam, 861 Uaren
  4. 29-5-861
    29th of Dam, 861 Uaren
  5. Folded Page
    29th of Dam, 861 Uaren
  6. Scribbled Page
    30th of Dam, 861 Uaren
  7. 30-5-861
    30th of Dam, 861 Uaren