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Mon 10th Jun 2024 03:45

Entry 1

by Alphonse Alderleaf

So a lot's happened recently that I'd like to write down. Maybe I can write a story to tell my kids some day! I don't particularly have the best memory, so I'm writing as it's happening as best I can.
For anyone picking this off my dead body somewhere out in the wild, I'm Alphonse Alderleaf and I'm from Phandalin. It's a frontier town near the Sword Mountains south of Neverwinter Wood. Recently, I met up with some adventurers and they helped out with getting some ruffians - The Redbrands - out of my town. They had some plans with some weird-headed goblins and their leader The Spider, with the Redbrands acting as some mercs to kill their opposition. They took up Tresander Manor as their base, and my new friends helped me take them out of there for good!
With all that done, we went off to Neverwinter since one of my party members, Tristan, is actually the heir to the Manor and needed to do paperwork to have his title of Lord of Phandalin. There's about 11 of us working together: my friend Ilvarus, Sir Matthias, Sir Halvard, Sir Ignatius, Donut, Ernaldis, Sir Tristan, Vladrek, Bartholomew, and some kid that snuck on the cart Rosamel. During our travels we gained a goblin named Maggot that eventually agreed to help us out. There was a cleric that came with Matthias, Melchior, but he disappeared off to the church he came from. Guess adventuring wasn't for him.
Mr. Eddermath had a quest for Iggy and Matthias to check out some undead by an old well just east of us. Vladrek, Maggot, and I went with so it'd be a bigger group, but when we got there there's already a red and white tent pitched in the ruins around the well. I was gonna investigate, but i didn't see the thirteen zombies in the tower ruins guarding the camp. The controller of said zombies being a wizard from They named "Hamun Kost." Turns out these ruins were Netherese, rich with history! Dude is totally evil, but he's not attacking anyone so it's tolerable for now. The excessive undead around him are from marauders that we were gonna deal with already, so when he asked us to deal with it I was already happy to help! He also wanted us to ask a banshee about the wizard that originally made the tower years ago, just his name and stuff like that. Though I kinda don't wanna help with that, I DO in fact would like to find that out myself.

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